Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
In order to target communication at specific groups, social science investigation of food safety behaviour should be integrated ...
on attitudejudgment.Journalof Personalityand SocialPsychology, 66 , 460±473. CHEN,S. & CHAIKEN, S.(1999)The heuristic-system ...
and the consumer.FoodControl, 9 , 225±232. HALL,R. L.(1971)Information,confidence,and sanityin the foodsciences.The Flavour Indu ...
REDMOND, E. C. & GRIFFITH, C. J.(2003a)A comparisonand evaluationof researchmethods usedin consumerfoodsafetystudies.Interna ...
Introduction Many food plants were built at a time when the hygienic quality of the food processing environment itself was less ...
the untreatedreference sample. Steam injection, steaminfusion,ohmicand microwave heating all have the potential of reducing the ...
7.1 Introduction: sanitation and design The main premise of this chapter is to show that sanitation and sanitary (hygienic) desi ...
equipmentremoved, newadditionsadded,and newinteriorwalls addedor old onesremoved. Top considerationto sanitation and sanitary de ...
groupsaffiliated withthat section of the foodindustry. Examples are meat processors heeding design recommendations from groups s ...
three hazards(physical,chemical, microbiological) can all be addressedduring the designphase. Goodsanitarydesignwill go a longwa ...
7.2.3 Microbiologicalhazards Microorganisms are consideredto be the biggesthazard for the majority of the foodprocessingindustry ...
go to anotherfloor.It also providesmore flexibility in changingequipmentand product flow.Froma sanitationstandpoint it is more e ...
plantitselfshouldhavea grass-freestriparound the building, whereit is not pavedto the outside wall of the building. Thisgrass-fr ...
Railsidings should be paved with concrete. The contents of rail cars sometimesexhibit damagewithsubsequentspillagewhen the car d ...
concrete roof. Roofpenetrations for vents,intakes,ovenvents,air-handling systems and some utilities must be sealed to prevent wa ...
exercisedif nets are installed.Somebirds havebeenfoundto pecklargerholes in the netting, so gainingaccess to the protectedarea w ...
recommendedas theyhavea whiterlightand low ultravioletemission, and use less energythanothers.Low-pressuresodium lightsemitan or ...
of the purposes of sanitary designto makesanitation moreeffective, faster,and more economical while satisfyingregulations and cu ...
coatings, theyusuallylast for manyyears withminimalmaintenance. The main thingto rememberis thatfloors mustwithstand use,cleanin ...
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