160 Enforcement ■Use least possible force in dealing with shoplifters: no physical injuries that require hospitalization. ■Maint ...
161 ■Receive zero validated serious complaints from employ- ees or customers. ■Demonstrate proper weapons safety procedures at a ...
162 ■Research and report on need for personal security devices to be furnished to employees. Premises Security ■Secure premises ...
163 Goals in this section can be used with anyone who man- ages or supervises support staff employees or who has members of supp ...
164 ■Negotiate office equipment maintenance contracts to hold costs stable for 2005. Scheduling and Work Assignments ■Ensure ade ...
165 Goals in this section can be used with employees carrying out various support functions—filing, reception, switch- board, an ...
166 ■Keep reception area clean and orderly. ■Track the availability of employees, in order to provide accurate information to vi ...
167 ■Collate and staple documents for professional look, to the satisfaction of the document owner. Switchboard/Phones ■Prioriti ...
168 Goals in this section can be used with managers, supervi- sors, and team leaders whose reports deal directly with workplace ...
169 Training and Communication ■Identify at least three sources for safety-related training and recommend the best option to the ...
170 ■Ensure that all subcontractors and service providers understand and abide by company safety procedures. ■Ensure that equipm ...
171 Goals in this section can be used with employees respon- sible for managing and implementing workplace health and safety pro ...
172 ■Reduce days lost due to accidents to no more than 1% of total days worked. ■Attend and contribute to Workplace Health and S ...
173 ■Create performance standards regarding safety for each employee supervised. ■Communicate workplace emergency evacuation pro ...
174 ■Invite community law enforcement officials once a year to audit workplace procedures for preventing work- place violence. ■ ...
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