READING YOUR BLOOD TEST RESULTS How Important Are Blood Tests?............................ Blood test values are never accepted ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS 17 can be fatal. Hypoprotein- emia Low albumin permits edema (water retention). As it becomes ...
READING YOUR X-RAYS How would you like to be a radiologist? Not for a moment am I suggesting I can give you a medical school cou ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS The front view of a chest X-ray shows the lungs as dark areas on the negative. The dark area i ...
READING YOUR X-RAYS The brain as seen from the top by CT or MRI looks like the meat of a walnut. The two halves are separated by ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS A CT scan of the abdomen shows numerous frames in a se- ries of pictures taken between the liv ...
READING YOUR X-RAYS are cross sections of the kidneys. Although they may be of equal size in your body, one might be placed high ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS The CT scan of breast views cross sections that also show the lungs and rib cage. If the frame ...
READING YOUR X-RAYS An ultrasound of the lower abdomen will include both blad- der and prostate for men and bladder and uterus p ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS the problem, it is nearly impossible to catch up on the bone loss. There will always—or at lea ...
THE TRUE STORY OF This is what actually happened to people using the methods taught in this book. They were not selected because ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS We ordered a bone scan and kidney scan, but she wanted to do all scans and tests at home where ...
THE TRUE STORY OF... food dyes, and lanthanides were not the main problem. Only the alk phos was somewhat elevated [due to the d ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Also included was hawthorn berry, and coenzyme Q10. These two would eventually replace her hea ...
THE TRUE STORY OF... The next day she arrived in the office, walking unassisted, but with her walker. She was much improved. Her ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS doing more and more walking, and getting stronger. She had done her second liver cleanse and g ...
THE TRUE STORY OF... Time passed. We did not see her. We grew anxious and called her daughter. Katherine was doing fine; she was ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS Due to my intense emotional distress over this young mother, I called in a brilliant alternati ...
THE TRUE STORY OF... bottled water. She was helped to make borax shampoo and persuaded to stop bottled water. Three days later M ...
THE CURE FOR ALL ADVANCED CANCERS anxious calls to her home. When she appeared she was feeling very bad again. She had received ...
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