Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
The Integumentary System 103 FOR FURTHER THOUGHT The epidermis has no capillaries of its own; the stratum corneum is made of de ...
104 CHAPTER 6 Chapter Outline Functions of the Skeleton Types of Bone Tissue Classification of Bones Embryonic Growth of Bone Fa ...
CHAPTER 6 The Skeletal System 105 New Terminology Appendicular (AP-en-DIK-yoo-lar) Articulation (ar-TIK-yoo-LAY-shun) Axial (AK- ...
Imagine for a moment that people did not have skeletons. What comes to mind? Probably that each of us would be a little heap on ...
107 Diaphysis Proximal epiphysis Distal epiphysis Yellow bone marrow Marrow (medullary) cavity Periosteum Compact bone Spongy bo ...
are attached to the bone. The periosteum anchors these structures and contains both the blood vessels that enter the bone itself ...
Frontal bone Anterior fontanel Parietal bone Posterior fontanel Posterior fontanel Mastoid fontanel Temporal bone Sphenoid fonta ...
B Epiphyseal disc Chondrocytes producing cartilage Bone Cartilage Epiphyseal disc Cartilaginous model Medullary cavity containin ...
111 BOX6–1 FRACTURES AND THEIR REPAIR Box Figure 6–A Types of fractures. Several types of fractures are depicted in the right ar ...
Several hormones make important contributions to bone growth and maintenance. These include growth hormone, thyroxine, parathyro ...
ity, and an inner ear labyrinth. The occipital bone forms the lower, posterior part of the braincase. Its foramen magnum is a la ...
this chapter.) In a suture, the serrated, or sawtooth, edges of adjacent bones fit into each other. These interlocking projectio ...
115 Parietal bone Parietal bone Maxillary bone Squamosal suture Squamosal suture Temporal bone Mandible Occipital bone Occipital ...
116 The Skeletal System Palatine process (maxilla) Palatine bone Zygomatic bone Vomer Zygomatic process Temporal bone Styloid pr ...
117 Crista galli Cribriform plate Olfactory foramina Greater wing Lambdoidal suture Frontal bone Sphenoid bone Sella turcica Squ ...
Table 6–2 BONES OF THE SKULL—IMPORTANT PARTS Terminology of Bone Markings Foramen—a hole or opening Meatus—a tunnel-like cavity ...
as colds, or with allergies such as hay fever. These sinuses, however, do have functions: They make the skull lighter in weight, ...
120 The Skeletal System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 Coccyx Sacrum Lumbar vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae Cer ...
BOX6–3 HERNIATED DISC The vertebrae are separated by discs of fibrous car- tilage that act as cushions to absorb shock. An inter ...
the lumbar curve forward, and the sacral curve back- ward. These curves center the skull over the rest of the body, which enable ...
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