Coaching, Mentoring and Managing: A Coach Guidebook
226 What are five ways you can make it easier for your team to prioritize and follow through on tasks? What one thing in this c ...
HAPTER 7 C Managing Within the StaffCoaching™ Model People seem to think that anybody can coach. If you can manage, you can coac ...
beyond what they are currently doing. This is invaluable in today’s marketplace with exponential changes in technology and globa ...
7 Exercise .............................................................................................................. Consid ...
Coaching, Mentoring and Managing 7 Situations A team member doesn’t know whether to do a certain task. He doesn’t know how to ...
7 Exercise Analysis ............................................................................................... Coach — Mot ...
Mentor? Counsel? Identify the level of performance and what role you should play, and you will be able to manage results and ach ...
7 If motivation is somehow absent from a project, you can generally find the reason for problems by analyzing the vision (direct ...
Coaching, Mentoring and Managing 7 “Hi, I’m Jeff Henry. I have 10 years of manufacturing experience and took part in developing ...
7 Managing Within the StaffCoaching™ Model “John Green here. All I want to say is that I’m going to be retiring soon.” I should ...
236 Exercise Analysis ............................................................................................... Delegating ...
7 behaviors immediately. Lee may gradually need mentoring as well — maybe from Jeff or John. Jean needs all the help you can gi ...
With regard to your team, managing is all about understanding the personality of your team, their tendencies and their preferenc ...
7 Failure to be specific Failure to secure commitment Taking the course of least resistance Failure to identify results Impatie ...
What are your team goals ... short-range and long-range? Knowing them doesn’t count if you can’t articulate them. If you can’t s ...
7 progress. Others have identified goals for their teams, but then turned them over to self-directed team committees to report r ...
begin to assume “ownership” of their performance. They will gradually become self-starters. They will have their own internal re ...
7 Tom: If you’re suggesting that I call people I know from church and scouting, I’ve done some of that ever since ... Coach: No, ...
Failure to Secure Commitment If no mutual commitment exists between the coach and the team, there isn’t much of a team at all. Y ...
7 Ken: What’s wrong with it? The editor asked for 10 tries and I gave him 16! Coach: I noticed that. Editors always appreciate e ...
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