Attraction Isn't A Choice
If you ask most women what they "want" in a man, they'll say, "Oh, I want a nice, honest, thoughtful guy who can communicate wel ...
she looks TOO good... she probably spends a lot of time tending to her looks, which means she won't be a very attentive partner ...
Now try using it with it turned only 90 degrees one way or another. This is much harder. But with some practice you can do it. L ...
If, on the other hand, you master the art of making women feel that GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION by using your personality and communica ...
(even if those guys aren't noticeably creepy -- the mere fact that they're approaching the younger girls seems to freak them out ...
Here's the deal: Women aren't usually romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are attracted to men who are funny, confident ...
If you know how, you make her feel attraction feelings rather than "friend" feelings. The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" ...
Following the commonly accepted way of behaving when you‘re dealing with a woman that you want to feel attracted to you just won ...
There are personality traits, physical traits, and behaviors that are more attractive or less attractive on average. For instanc ...
If you want to make things happen with the ladies, you may have to take a look at yourself from a different perspective. You may ...
If you can pass this instant test—if you can show in a hundred little ways that YOU GET IT, then you will be allowed further ―in ...
From The Mailbag Just gotta say that your newsletters just seem to get better and better, Dave. Your "Off The Cuff" style and wi ...
unbefitting jests and jokes, and candidly mocks her with light hearted irony. Then he does something nice once in a while. Howev ...
Chapter 2: Preparing for Change The Center Of The Universe Misconception Until Copernicus published his ideas in the mid-1500‘s, ...
Many of their beliefs, thoughts, actions, and communications clearly demonstrate this behavior... in fact, I think it's actually ...
How many men have you known who were a "total package", meaning that they had all aspects of their lives handled... from being i ...
For some it's their height. Others will blame it on their age, while others will say it's their income... and for some guys, it' ...
This assumption leads to even worse problems, like fear of going out, fear of talking to people, etc. When you decide that there ...
really does work. Living In an Ideal World I‘ve noticed that humans idealize a lot. We say things like ―I want a woman to like m ...
(or be willing to submit). “I want to be honest and share all of my thoughts and feelings if I feel like it.” Attractive women g ...
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