Microsoft Word - final.doc
INVESTIGATIONS FOR KIDNEY DISEASES These include biochemical, microbiologic, immunologic, histopathologic and radiologic investi ...
foreign bodies seen in urine are for example gravels or sloughed renal papillae. Dip-stick test: These are plastic strips, atta ...
2- Plasma urea and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) : The normal value of blood urea is 15-40 mg/dl. Normal value of BUN is 8-13 mg/dl. ...
99mTc-DTPA or 151Cr-labeled EDTA or iothalamate isotope renal scan is an alternative method which does not require urine collect ...
C. IMMUNOLOGICAL TESTS FOR DIAGNOSIS OF KIDNEY DISEASES: Complement: Complement System is activated and consumed in immune- com ...
D. KIDNEY BIOPSY: Kidney Biopsy is performed to obtain kidney tissue for histological examination in order to take therapeutic d ...
patient with renal or urologic disorder; and in most instances it will be the only one that is required. Renal ultrasonography c ...
Intravenous urography (IVU): The patient should come for this investigation after a thorough bowel evacuation (laxative is to b ...
Anaphylactoid reaction is another possible risk of the contrast media. Therefore, steroids and antihistaminic drugs should be at ...
This is indicated mainly for diagnosis of renal vein thrombosis. A catheter is introduced percutaneously into the femoral vein t ...
helpful in the measurement of the total or individual kidney GFR (DTPA) or effective renal plasma flow (MAG3 or Hippuran). Mage ...
Normal Values Plasma Creatinine (Cr) 0.6-1.2 mg/dl. Sodium (Na) 134-145 mEq/L Potassium (K) 3.5-5.0 mEq/L Chloride (CL) 96-106 ...
(Fig. 2.1 a) Shows different crystals which could be seen by microscopy of urine with alkaline pH. (Fig. 2.1b) Shows different c ...
(Fig. 2.2) Normal renal ultrasound: it shows longitudinal scan through the right kidney demonstrating the relationship to the ri ...
Fig. (2.3b) It shows marked left hydronephrosis demonstrating marked dilatation of the calyces and the renal pelvis with thinnin ...
Fig. (2.3d) It shows a LS of the left kidney with a stone upper calyx (arrow) as echo- dense focus casting posterior acoustic sh ...
(Fig. 2.5) Duplex US (Normal) Combined real time US (top) and Doppler US (bottom) showing normal low-resistance waveform with hi ...
(Fig. 2.7) Intravenous urography (IVU) showing: Normal excretion and concentration of contrast medium by both kidneys. Normal c ...
Fig. (2.9) DMSA scan (chronic pyelonephritis) small-sized left kidney with irregular outline and multiple photopenic areas. A ph ...
(Fig. 2.11a) MRI Kidenys (Normal) Axial T1-weighted sequence demonstrating hypointensity of the renal parenchyma. The perinephri ...
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