Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
enoughto multiply, and contaminatethe product.The problemis exacerbated when a processincludes deadspaces where productcan stagn ...
to growin biofilms (vander Wendeet al., 1989;van der Wendeand Characklis, 1990).Thermophilic bacteria(suchasStreptococcus thermo ...
commercialheattreatment of winewas firstused in 1867to destroy any undesirablemicroorganisms,and the processwas described as `pa ...
∑ Transportation. Requirements should be established for the use and maintenance of transportvehicles,includingtheircleaning and ...
and use of the HACCP conceptis the managerialtoolthat ensures that the criteria will be met in practice. In a reviewof the histo ...
also favoured the use of these principles and suggested that food safety objectivesshould encompassend-productcriteria, whichare ...
1.5.2 Assessmentof processperformance Verificationof HACCP involvesthe establishmentof procedures to confirmthat the HACCP syste ...
is beyondthe FSO.Scenario B shows that the averageis wellwithinthe target, but becauseof the largevariation in partof the proces ...
1.5.5 Buildinghygiene intothe system A new research area that aims to improve general hygiene involves nanotechnology.Thistechno ...
CAC,COMMITTEEONFOODHYGIENE(1997),HazardAnalysisCriticalControlPoint (HACCP)and Guidelinesfor its Application.Alinorm97/13.Foodan ...
GA»RTNER E(1888),U»ber die Fleischuergiftungin Frankenhausena. Kyffh.und der Erregerderselben',Korrespondenzblattdes Allgemeinen ...
NIVENJ(1909±1910),Summerdiarrhoeaand entericfever',ProcR Soc Med,3.2, 133. NOTERMANS S (1979),Attachment of bacteria to meat sur ...
WILLSHANG A, CHEASTY T, SMITHH R, O'BRIENS JandADAKG K(2001),Verocytotoxin- producingEscherichiacoli(VTEC)O157and otherVTECfromh ...
Part I Risks ...
2.1 Introduction: the risk of microbial foodborne disease Accurate estimates of foodborne diseases are difficult to make because ...
Table2.1 Estimatedchanceof dying(per year)by differentcauses* Pdying Numberper million Cause 1:115 8800 Total 1:10 000 100 Infec ...
variouspathogensto the totalnumber of foodborne illnessesand deathsare givenin Figs2.1 and 2.2 respectively, for surveys fromthe ...
Fig. 2.2 The contributionof variouspathogensto the totalnumberof foodbornedeaths in percentages.No data availableforToxoplasmago ...
mainlycausedbySalmonellaandL. monocytogenes. In the UK,Cl. perfringens is the second most importantpathogencausingfoodbornedeath ...
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