Handbook of Hygiene Control in the Food Industry
Chapter 20 Dr I. H. Huisman* Nutricia PO Box 1 2700 MA Zoetermeer The Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected]
Dr E. EspadaAven ...
Chapter 27 KnuthLorenzen GEATuchenhagenDairySystems GmbH Am Industriepark 2-10 D-21514Buchen Germany Tel: 49(0) 4155 49 2427 Fax ...
Chapter 34 Professor JoannaVerran Departmentof Biological Sciences ManchesterMetropolitanUniversity Chester Street ManchesterM1 ...
Following the publication ofHygiene in Food Processing, the editors have focussed in this book on how current best practice in h ...
equipmentand equipmentcomponents.It covers areasnot covered in previous bookson the subjectsuchas requirements for electricalins ...
1.1 Introduction: the evolution of food hygiene The art of healing is almost as old as people themselves. Instincts, needs and e ...
as a giverof health.At the beginning she was the goddess of corporal well- being. Latershe was also connected to mentalhealth; t ...
The re-emergence of hygiene In the Middle Agesfolk-medicinedevelopedrapidly.Medicinalplants, animal partsand minerals wereusedto ...
discoveryto the world, but he was misunderstood.The workof Jenningsin the USAwas continued by many others.Peopleweretaughtto bat ...
and he respondedwithpolemic.His failure to convincehis fellowdoctorswas not helpedby his poor ability to communicate. In 1865,he ...
proceededto develophis antisepticsurgical methods. The immediatesuccess of the new treatment led to its generaladoption, withres ...
The1880s werealso the decade whenbacterialfoodpoisoningdisplaced ptomaine poisoning. In the late 1870s,German researchers had be ...
Identificationof agents involved in foodborne diseases and the aetiological researchof foodborne diseases beganat the end of the ...
rise steadily.For example in the UK the notifications increased in a 10 year period(1941±1951)froman initialcouple of hundred to ...
tacklingthe breedinggrounds of the fliesthemselves.At muchthe sametime, attention beganto focuson the presenceof pathogenic bact ...
∑ Glasswashing: ± it was commonfor glassesto be dipped onlyin dirtywaterbeforebeingre- used. ∑ Personal cleanlinessamongfoodhand ...
effect without addressing the root cause was then the usual practice of medicine).NaturalHygiene addresses all aspectsof living: ...
1.2.2 Hygienic design of facilitiesand equipment Hygienic design of foodproductionfacilities,processingequipment,etc.,is a mosti ...
air, water, peopleand pests.Processing, packagingmaterial and equipment, and transport vehicles may also act as vectors.Contact ...
pathogens, rather than to chemicalor physical contaminants. As theyare generally undetectableby the unaidedhuman senses (i.e. th ...
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