Birds of the Sundarban
Brahminy Kite Binomial Name: Haliastur indus The well-known Brahminy Kite is included in many poems, songs and novels of Bengali ...
Pied Harrier Binomial Name: Circus melanoleucos The Pied Harrier is an uncommon migratory bird on the bird list of Bangladesh. T ...
Black-winged kite, Black-shouldered Kite Binomial Name: Elanus caeruleus The Black-winged kite is an uncommon resident bird of B ...
Red-necked Falcon Binomial Name: Falco chicquera The Red-necked Falcon is a rare resident bird of prey in Bangladesh. Sunrise an ...
Common Kestrel Binomial Name: Falco tinnunculus The Common Kestrel is an uncommon migratory bird of prey in Bangladesh. Their ma ...
Peregrine Falcon Binomial Name: Falco peregrines The Peregrine Falcon is a rare migratory bird of prey inBangladesh. The title o ...
rare migratory Birds of the Sundarban I 187 ...
Great Crested Grebe Binomial Name: Podiceps cristatus The Great Crested Grebe is an uncommon migratory waterbird of Bangladesh.M ...
Little Grebe Binomial Name: Tachybaptus ruficollis The Little Grebe is an uncommon resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. Even a f ...
Darter Binomial Name: Anhinga melanogaster The Darter is an uncommon resident aquatic birdof Bangladesh. It is also called snake ...
Great Cormorant Binomial Name: Phalacrocorax carbo The Great Cormorant is an uncommon migratory waterbird of Bangladesh. There a ...
Little Cormorant Binomial Name: Phalacrocorax niger The Little Cormorant is a common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. They a ...
Gray Heron Binomial Name: Ardea cinerea The Gray Heron is a common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. Although said to becommo ...
Purple Heron Binomial Name: Ardea purpurea The Purple Heron is an uncommon resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. At least twodeca ...
Indian Pond Heron Binomial Name: Ardeola grayii The Indian Pond Heron is a common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. Reservoir ...
Cattle Egret Binomial Name: Bubulcus ibis The Cattle Egret is a common resident grassland bird of Bangladesh. They are seenevery ...
Little Egret Binomial Name: Egretta garzetta The Little Egret is a common resident aquatic bird on the bird list of Bangladesh. ...
Great Egret Binomial Name: Casmerodius albus Extensive marsh, swampland, rivers, lakes, marshes, paddies, estuaries,The Great Eg ...
Intermediate Egret Binomial Name: Mesophoyx intermedia The Intermediate Egret is a common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. B ...
Little Heron, Striated Heron, Mangrove Heron Binomial Name: Butorides striatus The Little Heron is the smallest member of the he ...
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