Birds of the Sundarban
†g‡Unuvm, cvwZnuvm †g‡Unvum‡K ïaygvÎ evsjv‡k, fviZmn Gwkqvi wewfbœ †‡k cvIqv hvq| cvwLwU evsjv‡‡ki yj©f AvevwmK cvwL| bxjwki nvu ...
Gadwall Binomial Name: Anas strepera In Bangladesh, it is a migratoryduck that travels during the winter. Early autumn marked th ...
Greylag goose Binomial Name: Anser anser The Greylag goose is a rare migratory bird of Bangladesh. In winter, it roams the coast ...
Bar-headed Goose Binomial Name: Anser indicus The bar-headed goose is one of the world's highest-flying birds, having been heard ...
Cotton Pygmy-goose, Cotton Teal Binomial Name: Nettapus coromandelianus This small duck, short-lipped, is an uncommon resident b ...
Ferruginous Pochard, White- eyed Pochard Binomial Name: Aythya nyroca A medium-sized diver duck is among the world's near-threat ...
Birds of the Sundarban I 47 common migratory ...
uncommon migratory (^48) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban ...
Red-crested Pochard Binomial Name: Netta rufina A medium-sized diving duck, TheRed-crested Pochard is endangered worldwide and i ...
common migratory ...
Ruddy Shelduck Binomial Name: Tadorna ferruginea The Ruddy Shelduck is a common migratory birdin Bangladesh. These ducks are alw ...
common migratory Photo © Foridi Numan (^52) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban ...
Common Shelduck Binomial Name: Tadorna tadorna The Common Shelduck is a common migratory bird in Bangladesh. In winter,it roams ...
Rufous Woodpecker Binomial Name: Micropternus brachyurus The Rufous Woodpecker is the commonresident bird of Bangladesh. It can ...
Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker Binomial Name: Dendrocopos macei The Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker is the common resident bird of Bang ...
Common Flameback, Common Goldenback Binomial Name: Dinopium javanense The Common Flameback is an uncommonresident bird of Bangla ...
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker Binomial Name: Dendrocopos canicapillus The Gray-capped Pygmy Woodpecker is an uncommon resident bi ...
Black-rumped Flameback, Lesser Goldenback Binomial Name: Dinopium benghalense The Black-rumped Flameback is the They roam singly ...
Greater Flameback, Greater Goldenback Binomial Name: Chrysocolaptes lucidus The Greater Flameback is the common resident bird of ...
Eurasian Wryneck Binomial Name: Jynx torquilla The Eurasian Wryneck is an uncommon migratory bird of Bangladesh. Bangladesh'sChi ...
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