something they shouldn’t or make a mess, we still greet them warmly when we come home (even after a rough day at the office), an ...
memory. In other words, our current experiences shape our view of our past ones. By creating your own attachment inventory, you ...
JEREMY P. TARCHER/PENGUIN Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, ...
Common Anxious Thoughts, Emotions, and Reactions Thoughts Mind reading: That’s it, I know s/he’s leaving me. I’ll never find an ...
S/he’d better come crawling back to beg my forgiveness, otherwise s/he can forget about me forever. Maybe if I look drop-dead g ...
Actions Act out. Attempt to reestablish contact at any cost. Pick a fight. Wait for them to make the first reconciliation move. ...
Emotions Withdrawn Frustrated Angry Pressured Unappreciated Misunderstood Resentful Hostile Aloof Empty Deceived Tense Hate-fil ...
Anxious Protest behavior Activating strategies—any thought, feeling, or behavior that will result in an increased desire to rec ...
View yourself as responsible for your partner’s well-being. Wear your heart on your sleeve—be courageous and honest in your int ...
supervision. Neither the authors nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from ...
• __ What are the main attachment principles at play in your relationships? Go back to your inventory and ask yourself ...
Henry, who has an avoidant attachment style, was busy at work with patients, and would get frustrated by Georgia’s incoming call ...
Once both Georgia and Henry analyzed their working models, they started viewing their situation differently. Henry realized that ...
take a moment of his time but would reduce Georgia’s worry greatly. This solution worked wonders for their relationship. For Geo ...
And this is what Grace’s entry looked like: ...
After doing his inventory, Sam realized that years of living alone and believing in his own self-sufficiency were now being chal ...
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