Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson
270 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón However, some genre-specific difference was also observed: in news reports, Sayer w ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 271 Thematic Heads functioning as Sensers in mental processes are rar ...
272 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón This tendency can be considered a reflection of the different types of subject matt ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 273 (32) First, the EU still spends far more of its resources subsidi ...
274 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón be twice as long as in Spanish and therefore more prone to the mixing of sub- funct ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 275 anticipate the evaluative movement. The expository movement follo ...
276 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón Table 3. Relatively smooth flow from move to move in a Spanish commentary (Spanish ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 277 (13) Quizás para curarse en salud, el tribunal se cuida de delimi ...
278 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón Concerning the texts’ method of development, i.e. “how Thematic elements suc- ceed ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 279 Fields are highlighted. We can see that even in the case of longe ...
280 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón Spanish reports through which the writer’s stance can be felt, in the fashion of co ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 281 *deb/should are more frequent in thematic fields in commentaries ...
282 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón between moves. News reports, on the other hand, present a simpler generic struc- tu ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 283 Downing, A. & Locke, P. 2006. English Grammar: A University C ...
284 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón Appendix 1 Size and list of texts used in the study English # Clauses # Words Repor ...
Thematic variation in English and Spanish newspaper genres 285 Text reference Author and title Source, year # Clauses # Words Co ...
286 Julia Lavid, Jorge Arús and Lara Moratón Text reference Author and title Source, year # Clauses # Words Comment 1 Editorial: ...
A Adler, S. 141, 154 Aijmer, K. ix, 1, 6, 32, 54, 81, 88, 98, 100, 102, 105–106, 109, 120, 124, 198–199, 238, 258 Alonso Belmont ...
288 Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics González Rodríguez, R. 60, 81 Goossens, D. ix, 5, 139, 145–146, 155 Goyen, ...
Author index 289 P Pagano, A. 229 Paillard, M. 146, 150, 154 Pápai, V. 79, 81 Paquot, M. 158, 175, 179, 199 Peirce, C. S. 107, 1 ...
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