Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson
130 Anna-Brita Stenström 2.2 Okay The origin of okay has triggered a great deal of speculation, but there does not seem to be a ...
Youngspeak: Spanish vale and English okay 131 Briefly, the interactional level is speaker- oriented, in that the speaker’s direc ...
132 Anna-Brita Stenström 3.2 The interpersonal level On the interpersonal level, both vale and okay occur with an empathizing, a ...
Youngspeak: Spanish vale and English okay 133 In (7), vale introduces a reaction to what the speaker herself (Anita) has been te ...
134 Anna-Brita Stenström 4.2 The sociolinguistic aspect As mentioned in Section 1.2, age has not been considered in the followin ...
Youngspeak: Spanish vale and English okay 135 4.3 Summing up It is obviously impossible to draw other than very tentative conclu ...
136 Anna-Brita Stenström Conclusions This study started out from four research questions. The first question concerned what fu ...
Youngspeak: Spanish vale and English okay 137 References Corpora Corpus Oral de Lenguaje Adolescente de Madrid (COLAm), <www. ...
Quantity approximation in English and French business news reporting More or less the same? Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens* U ...
140 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens framework of a project that sets out to explore quantity approximation from an onomasiolog ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 141 Channell’s data includes three papers written by her colleagues in economics, w ...
142 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens tests. McEnery and Xiao’s (2007) contrastive study centres around quantifying construction ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 143 An inductive corpus-driven approach (Tognini-Bonelli 2001; Biber 2009) was adop ...
144 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens Table 1. Proportion of numbers denoting quantities that occur with an approximator in BENe ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 145 of 10 (i.e. any number ending with a ‘0’ when spelled as a numeral, e.g. 1,000) ...
146 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens 3 000 personnes) in the English to French direction (29.4% of the translations) than in th ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 147 business news reporting contains some direct reported speech (DRS), which tends ...
148 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens (5) Under the plan, scheduled to run for at least five years, banks will pay a fee to the ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 149 Grammatical categories in BENews and FRENews As Table 6 shows, the approximat ...
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