Advances in Corpus-based Contrastive Linguistics - Studies in honour of Stig Johansson
150 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens of an approximating derivational prefix in BENews only (another multibillion- pound bailou ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 151 Table 7. Grammatical categories of the approximators uncovered in BENews and FR ...
152 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens The company approximators tend to keep in BENews and FRENews An examination of the conte ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 153 (26) Michael Moran of Goldman Sachs thinks such hits could amount to $200 billi ...
154 Sylvie De Cock and Diane Goossens in (business) news reporting in English and French is called for in order to be able to es ...
Quantity approximation in English and French 155 Dubois, B. L. 1987. ‘Something on the order of around forty to forty-four’: Imp ...
Enriching the phraseological coverage of high-frequency adverbs in English-French bilingual dictionaries Sylviane Granger and Ma ...
158 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer fields, such as translator training, machine translation, contrastive linguistics, and ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 159 of lexical bundles, identified by the n-gram extraction method. We focus o ...
160 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer made up of French magazine articles translated into English.^2 The LF corpus was used ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 161 Label France and PLECI, which are both sentence-aligned, were analysed wit ...
162 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer This first impression of similarity is quickly dispelled when we look at which lexi- c ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 163 (3) encore vous ! (RC) (not) you again! (4) si encore je savais où ça se t ...
164 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer 3.1.2 yet The English adverb yet, like encore, is frequently found in lexical bundles: ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 165 Figure 1. Yet entry in Hachette-Oxford (2003) In the French-to-English hal ...
166 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer Enriching the translations with bilingual corpus data This section is devoted to the ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 167 The coverage of the three dictionaries is very similar. But between them t ...
168 Sylviane Granger and Marie-Aude Lefer The usefulness of translation corpus data can also be illustrated with the lexi- cal b ...
Phraseological coverage of bilingual dictionaries 169 (16) Des groupes financiers comme Dexia Asset Management, BNP Paribas ou e ...
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