Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD 5.Reduce the acidity in your toes. First, check your acidity with pH paper meant for testing urinary pH, c ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES tion. Taking more calcium at one time is not advised be- cause it cannot be dissolved and absorbed any ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD Each tsp. weighs about 2 grams, of which half (1 gram or 1000 milligrams is sodium. The sodium/potassium m ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES Then clean the liver (page 552 ). Check body pH in the morning upon rising using Ni- trazineTM or oth ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD weeks to see if it helps. Massage and reflexology are also good for them. Heel Pain....................... ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES body else's tap. Use only glass or reused polyethylene jugs. Polyethylene is opaque, not clear. It has ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD more difficult to wash clean (sterilizing in a dishwasher is ef- fective, though). By drinking a total of ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES The acid condition created by phosphates dissolves your bones and allows large amounts of bone structu ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD kidneys form calcium phosphate crystals, heels form spurs, joints become knobby with deposits. Young perso ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES 2.Reduce your grain consumption. Instead of cereal for breakfast, add fruit and reduce the cereal to h ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD composition contribute to this. My recommendation when de- posits have formed anywhere in the body, such a ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES instead of a zapper) and a liver cleanse that yielded several hun- dred small gallstones. Three months ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD Juan Onley, age 58, came for his gout in both feet and one hand. He could hardly walk, in spite of soft sh ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES found, test the water supply from each faucet in the house, in the morning, before it has been run. Fi ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD Where would you ever get thallium? From your very own mouth! The mercury in fillings is often itself pollu ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES Thallium has another source: it is riding along as a pollutant in cotton swabs, cotton balls, commerci ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD amalgams out. Find a dentist immediately who will remove them, drilling deeply and widely not to miss a sp ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES back to us. Indeed, she was toxic with lead, mercury, thallium, but her dentist could not find the lef ...
PAIN FROM TOE TO HEAD worm). She also had tapeworm stages (Taenia pisiformis) and intestinal fluke in the intestine. She started ...
THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES For bacteria to get all over your body, they must be riding along with parasites that get all over you ...
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