political science
ecosystems, and water policy 175 education,seegrand policy, training of rulers in; Kennedy School of Government; schools of publ ...
and ethical questions714 16, 720 equilibria: monopolistic 345 punctuated 346 ethics: and conXict between 401 and fundamental imp ...
family structure: (cont.) on family care312 13 and welfare state 862 Family Support Act (USA, 1998 ) 827 feasibility: and New Pu ...
and origins of policy 217 and tax system 302 franchise, and democracy 172 , 178 Frankfurt School 192 Freedom of Information Act ...
governance: (cont.) institutional approach 433 instrumental approach 432 interaction approach432 3 managing the mix 439 and netw ...
crisis coping96 7 critical mass interventions with historic processes92 4 dealing with complexity98 9 foresight88 90 future orie ...
holism, and coherence 114 homosexuality, in armed forces 898 Honda 514 Hong Kong 153 House of Lords reform 901 household formati ...
pre post taxes and transfers method300 5 United States308 9 and paradox of redistribution 307 , 315 , 616 and social spending 61 ...
Institute of Public Administration (Columbia University) 62 Institute of Public Policy Studies (University of Michigan) 64 insti ...
interjurisdictional learning 351 internal markets 14 International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling 848 international law ...
Iran Contra aVair, and investigations into 321 Iranian revolution 875 Iraq War ( 2003 )903 4 Ireland, and income redistribution ...
and ad hoc nature of 377 and advocacy coalitions373 4 and agency380 1 and benchmarking 381 and cognition382 3 and collaborative ...
March of Dimes 21 , 22 marginalism: and marginal analysis735 6 and valuation problem 755 market failure627 32, 646 and common pr ...
and globalization 590 National Association of Schools of Public Policy and Administration (NASPAA) 66 National Audit OYce (UK) 1 ...
neighborhoods: and failure of 635 6 and neighborhood associations675 6 neocorporatism 561 neoliberalism: and New Public Manageme ...
neoliberal ideology 449 ‘supermarket state’ 448 and policy sciences 50 and smart policy 449 eVects on456 60 preconditions for452 ...
nuclear systems analysis: (cont.) and epistemic community 774 and game theory 773 and inadequacy of 801 and Kennedy’s administra ...
and challenges for: implications for policy analysis491 2 information problems489 90 pricing490 1 quality control 491 and implem ...
participatory policy analysis (PPA) 52 Partnership for the Next Generation of Vehicles (USA)513 14 party government, and agenda ...
challenge for164 5 prime minister’s use of163 4 and policy making 893 and political context of155 7 and qualities required for 1 ...
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