Attraction Isn't A Choice
women are being told ALL THE TIME that they are beautiful, attractive, stunning, etc. And they don't realize that when they give ...
To Get From Affection to Attraction, Play Hard To Get I want to talk about the idea of playing hard to get and how you can do it ...
Here's an idea for you to remember: Things and people that aren't predictable keep our attention. If you act like every other PR ...
As far as what you're saying when you walk up, of course you should talk about something that‘s interesting to her... Ask about ...
―I‘m the guy who scrapes the gum from under the seats in the movie theater... why do you ask?‖ ―What kind of car do you drive?‖ ...
Through this understanding you‘ll develop a level of comfort discussing sex and gather clues about her real views on sex, as wel ...
Be Mysterious So this means you should answer questions that would reveal your approval ambiguously. , e.g. if she asks, ―Will y ...
Chapter 9: Cocky Comedy In Detail Cocky Comedy After years of studying this stuff, I can tell you that the most powerful way you ...
What Cocky Comedy Communicates That you're an "alpha" type male. Even though you're making jokes and being funny, you're talkin ...
If you act too cocky, you'll only come off as arrogant and insecure. If you're just funny, always telling jokes, and making peop ...
and it will work. I've found that I can make women feel attracted to me now just by teasing them and busting on them. I have wom ...
Using backhanded compliments, if any: ―Those shoes are beautiful... I‘ll bet they looked great when they were new.‖ ...the ide ...
You can also use Cocky Comedy non-verbally as a great response for something she does or says. For instance, if she says somethi ...
Sometimes seeing this mistake makes me so sad I want to coach these guys directly! Well, almost... There‘s a whole lot they coul ...
her about something she is insecure about, make fun of others... just make sure it's making her laugh. Give her a hard time and ...
I'm going to suggest that you learn how to flirt well, so you can do it RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING in your interactions with women ...
Here's an example of some of one of my favorite topics to "riff on" when flirting... the topic of getting married and our being ...
Mentioning how the relationship just doesn‘t seem to be working. Overly dramatic complaints about her job performance, behavior ...
and this is the first time for me to be out dating and picking up girls on the single scene. The look(s) are a great guide and i ...
and "I was teasing." This says, in effect "I'm having fun, and I'm going to keep on with it, even if I have to explain it to you ...
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