Gout Book.docx
6655 .. CCHHIICCKK--PPEEAA BBUURRGGEERRSS A tasty alternative to a meat burger, you'll love this grain and-legume burger. I’m al ...
6666 .. EEGGGG SSAALLAADD SSAANNDDWWIICCHHEESS (^) This egg salad sandwich recipe is tops for being low in fat. Made with celery ...
6677 .. VVEEGGEETTAARRIIAANN HHUUMMMMUUSS BBUURRGGEERRSS (^) Another meatless burger that you will enjoy, prep time takes about ...
For the tahini: Mix 1/4 cup (50 mL) each water and tahini (sesame paste), 1 tsp (5 mL) grated lemon rind, 2 tbsp (25 mL) lemon ...
6688 .. GGRRIILLLLEEDD VVEEGGEETTAABBLLEE SSUUBBMMAARRIINNEESS (^) A quick tasty sub you can take to work for your lunch, prep t ...
You can add sliced provolone cheese or goat cheese. You can also grill the sandwiches. Just omit lettuce and grill until chees ...
6699 .. LLEEMMOONNYY QQUUIINNOOAA SSAALLAADD One of my favorite salads, this baby will take you 20 minutes of prep time and abou ...
7700 ..^ GGRRIILLLLEEDD^ VVEEGGEETTAABBLLEE QQUUIINNOOAA^ SSAALLAADD^ Another tasty variation which will take you about 15 minut ...
Remove from heat and fluff with fork; cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Spread on small tray and let cool for 10 minutes. ...
7711 .. BBRROOCCCCOOLLII AANNDD (^) CCHHEEEESSEE CCAASSSSEERROOLLEE A nice casserole for a pot-luck or as a holiday side dish, s ...
7722 ..^ VVEEGGEETTAARRIIAANN^ PPEESSTTOO PPIIZZZZAA^ This vegetarian pesto pizza recipe uses pesto instead of tomato sauce, and ...
7733 .. FFRREENNCCHH BBRREEAADD VVEEGGEETTAABBLLEE PPIIZZZZAA (^) Everyone loves pizza, and piling your pizza high with vegetabl ...
7744 .. GGRRAATTEEDD MMOOZZZZAARREELLLLAA VVEEGGEETTAARRIIAANN PPIIZZZZAA (^) I’m a big pizza fan, cause it tastes so good and i ...
7755 ..^ CCHHEEDDDDAARR^ &&^ OONNIIOONN^ GGRRIILLLLEEDD^ CCHHEEEESSEE^ With caramelized onions, aged cheddar cheese and ...
7766 .. TTOOFFUU BBUURRGGEERR Low calorie burger that only takes 20 minutes of prep time and 10 minutes of cooking time for a to ...
7777 .. SSUUPPEERR--SSTTAARR (^) VVEEGGGGIIEE BBUURRGGEERR You are gonna love this burger, takes about 20 minutes of prep time a ...
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Form patties out of the bean mixture, and fry them in hot oil for abo ...
7788 ..^ LLEENNTTIILL^ SSOOUUPP^ One of my favorite soups in the world, nothing beats my grand-mother’s recipe, I try to have th ...
Add the broth, tomatoes with their juices, lentils, bay leaf, and thyme and stir to combine. Cover and bring to a simmer, ab ...
7799 .. BBAASSMMAATTII RRIICCEE Quick rice recipe for either a quick lunch or can be served as a side dish, basmati rice is my p ...
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