quality of output produced in the process. Simultaneously, coaching and guidance process should be initiated as the job and the ...
selection and implementation of the HRD strategies that would enable the individual to improve performance. The HR staff should ...
had performed in that specific period. The employee should also be given the opportunity to elaborate and justify his or her vie ...
APPENDIX-I Questionnaire A Research Study On Career Development in a Learning Organization Form- A (For Senior Management only) ...
a) Management _________% b) Technical _________% c) Any other _________% Q. 6: Do you observe the impact of the training on the ...
Q. 18: Do you support the inclusion of career development commitment in the service contract? Yes______/ No________ ...
APPENDIX-II Questionnaire A Research Study On Career Development in a Learning Organization Form- B (For Middle and Junior Staff ...
a) Helps in promotion b) Increases your work responsibilities c) You are assigned special assignments d) Gain of financial incen ...
Yes__/ No___ Q. 18: If yes, then please mention in what way? a) Improved your efficiency b) Changed your work quality c) Improve ...
c) Will improve your support to your colleagues d) Will increase your understanding of your work Q. 28: Do you feel the need for ...
Yes_/ No__ Q. 38: If yes, how much you are going to benefit from it? a) Somewhat b) Partially c) Fully ...
APPENDIX- III Interview Question List A Research Study On Career Development in a Learning Organization S. No__ Organization’s N ...
APPENDIX- IV Participant Observation Tool A Research Study On Career Development in a Learning Organization The organization cat ...
APPENDIX- V Supplementary Tables of the Study Some of the data gathered from the supplementary questions used in the questionnai ...
Table# 7 What is the %age of timing of the trainings in different areas? Technical Training % Frequenc y Percent Valid 34 82.9 2 ...
1.2. Conventional Organization: Senior Management Table # 7-B What is the %age of timing of the trainings in different areas? (a ...
Table # 9-B What is the %age of timing of the trainings in different areas? (c) any other Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumul ...
0.8 1 1.6 1 4 6.3 1.16 1 1.6 1.25 1 1.6 1.3 1 1.6 1.5 4 6.3 1.75 1 1.6 10 Hours^1 1.6^ 2 11 17.5 2.16 1 1.6 2.5 1 1.6 3 1 1.6 3. ...
6.5 1 1.6 7 4 6.3 8 2 3.2 9 1 1.6 Total 63 100.0 Table# 3-C Number of promotions gained in the present organization Frequenc y P ...
2.2.Conventional Organizations Context Table 1-D Time period spent at present status Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative ...
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