4.2.1 Part I- Senior Management Opinion...................... These tables include the data collected from the senior management ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Table# 3 Capacity Development Through Mentoring and Coaching If Yes, then Please mention How? Frequenc y Percent Valid 39 95.1 b ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
development and again the second question where 24.4% has identified trainings as the interventions taken up for staff developme ...
Table # 9 The Impact of Training on Staff Work Do you observe the impact of the training on the staff work after they have gone ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q. 4: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human Resource Developmen ...
career counseling of the individuals still have positive attitude towards any such intervention. Table# 13 Existing Promotion Op ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q. 4: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human Resource Developmen ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational development and vice vers ...
Table# 18 Response to Formal Support to Career Development Do you favor formal support by the organization to individual career ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
clause in the contract. This means that majority of the senior management are strongly of the opinion of formally taking up the ...
Table# 2-B Capacity Development through Staff Training If Yes, then Please mention How? Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulat ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Table # 5-B Organizations’ Frequent Staff Training Does your organization support frequent staff trainings? Frequenc y Percent V ...
In the table # 6-B the validity of the data is 27.8% of the total. According to the above table “a” representing quarterly/ six ...
Table# 11-B Staff Attitude towards Trainings What is the response of the staff when nominated to a training? Frequency Percent V ...
Table # 12-B Integration of HR Policies and Career Counseling Do you support integration of career counseling in your organizati ...
Table # 13-B Existing Promotion Opportunities within the Organization Has your organization any strategy for providing promotion ...
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