Interpretation and analysis Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human Resource Development ...
their performance. This means when only 14.5% knew how many times they have carried out the practice then how can 50.0% have kno ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human Resource Development ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Table# 63-D Impact of Trainings on Promotions Do you support the opinion that the training at your present job will also facilit ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational development and vice versa ...
senior management has agreed that their organizations support staff capacity development. Hence we find that the senior manageme ...
management interviewed agreed that they see the impact of the training in the work of employees after they are back from the tra ...
that the learning organizations’ context is much more supportive of promoting individuals’ career development. In table # 16 of ...
4.3.2. Part II – Employees Understanding and Expectations The findings on employee understanding of their career development pro ...
19-D and 20-D of the conventional organizations, showing the information to the same responses revealed through interpretation t ...
drawn from table 13-D and 14-D of conventional organization where majority(59.1%) said that they are getting mentoring and coach ...
has agreed that heir work patterns have changes with an improvement in understanding of work, improvement in quality, increased ...
In case of the conventional organizations the interpretation given for table # 38-D, 39-D, 40-D, 41-D, 42-D, 43-D and 44-D, reve ...
conventional organization indicates that the employee fear that they may be denied a fair competition for getting promotion. Thi ...
received willingly and hence have not used it or only 35.5% has actually practiced getting feedback on their performance. The in ...
training will have partial impact on their future jobs and some (34.8%) are expecting that it would contribute fully in their fu ...
The correlation established for testing the hypothesis is non-parametric. The test results are presented below: 4.4.1. Senior Ma ...
opportunities and career counseling intervention which is .31 and .36. This explains the effect of moderating variable on career ...
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