Table # 14-B Time Period Specific Promotions If yes, is there a time period fixed for it? Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumul ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational development and vice vers ...
response found on the list. This highlights that the management has a clear perception about the positive role of the staff deve ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q.3: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
development in the service contract, whereas, 94.4 % has responded positively. The affirmative response to the question highligh ...
The above table shows that 41% responses say that they have received training in their present organization of work. Whereas, 52 ...
Table# 4-C Frequency of Relevant Trainings How many of these trainings were inline with the professional field you are working i ...
Interpretation: and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization toward ...
shows that 1 to 2 years of time period has received 11.1% to 23.8% and the rest as more than 2 years of time which extends to 12 ...
Table# 9-C Impact of Trainings on Careers What type of impact these training have on your career? Frequency Percent Valid 30 47. ...
Table# 10- C Mentoring/ Coaching Support by the Organization Are you provided mentoring and coaching by any trained staff of the ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Table # 13-C Existing Succession Planning Within the Organization Do you expect your career progress in the present organization ...
The above table shows that 15.9% of the total has responded to this question which also conforms to the reliability of the data ...
Table # 16-C Type of Support required for Career Counseling What kind of support will suit you the best with respect to career c ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
work pattern. This means the majority of the employees undergo a positive change after they receive training. Table # 20- C Tabl ...
that the impact of trainings is multidimensional and is not only for the purpose to increase output. Table # 24-C The Type of Im ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational development and vice versa ...
According to table 26-C, 27-C and 28-C we find that 57.1 % has identified their sharing of information in the form of (a)guiding ...
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