Table # 30-C Staff Interest in Knowledge Sharing How do your colleagues respond to your sharing of learning? Frequenc y Percent ...
According to the above table 54.0% of the respondents selected “b” option representing that their colleagues made use of the inf ...
Interpretation and analysis Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human Resource Development ...
Table # 35-C Impact of Attitude Towards Training Selection If yes, has it resulted in some sort of conflict? Frequenc y Percent ...
The table# 36-C shows that validity of the responses received for the affect of such conflicts upon their career is 96.8%. This ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational development and vice versa ...
In the above tables # 39-C, 40-C, 41-C and 42-C shows different responses as how the capacity development of the staff can contr ...
enhance the effectiveness of the process as learning with motivation has far more impact than the one without it. Table #44-C Pe ...
Table # 45-C Frequency of Performance Feedback If yes, then how often? Frequenc y Percent Valid 40 63.5 1 9 14.3 12 2 3.2 2 6 9. ...
Table # 46-C Use of Information from Feedback Have you ever used the information from the feedback for any purpose? Frequenc y P ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
responsibility with their present skills. This means that in case of majority of the staff, their skill development is inline wi ...
that would like to be first placed on trial basis to understand their work before they actually take up the task and 1.6% respon ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
Table # 58-C Benefit of Formal Integration of Career Development If yes, how much you are going to benefit from it? Frequenc y P ...
govt. sector regarding career promotion of the individuals and management procedures the individuals development process slowed ...
employees have spent in these organizations. The supplementary tables attached at appendices clearly explain that the employees ...
work. This means that either some of the respondents among the 72.7% as listed in table#2-D have not responded to give informati ...
Table 5-D Turnover Ratio Do you plan to stay with the organization? Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 5 ...
Interpretation and analysis Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the organization towards ...
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