CHAPTER: 3 STUDY METHODS In the light of the study problem that focuses on the significance of the relationship between Career D ...
What would be a suitable change model that will help promote staff’s career development process? 3.2. Theoretical framework... ...
including competency/skills and the career planning of the individuals. In this case, the development opportunities available to ...
The theoretical framework of this study can be seen in the figure 3.1 as follows: 3.2.3. Theoretical Frame Work Diagram: Career ...
3.2.2. Hypotheses: Change being a constant phenomena, organizations need to understand the trends and forecast change. According ...
stages, then the organization would mostly reflect the traits of a learning organization and therefore, it was hard to different ...
The existing sample size of this study is: Learning Organization: Four organizations Conventional Organization: Three organizat ...
Many organizations follow the existing trends of the changing business, i.e., outsourcing or joining network of companies, there ...
3.5.2. Questionnaire............................................... Questionnaires were used to collect data from senior managem ...
3.6. Analysis................................................................. Based on the nature of this study, two type of an ...
Tables were generated for each question separately for convenience and clarity and then the results of these tables are compared ...
information about the purpose of the study was shared with the senior management. A letter of assurance of appropriate use and c ...
CHAPTER 4 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION This chapter puts forward the tabulated presentation of the data along with their interpretati ...
Creativity and innovation is encouraged by the management Interactive processes with its environment exist Continuous skill dev ...
The sample size of the Senior Management taken from learning organizations is very small i.e., 11 respondents due to having flat ...
down the whole process of this research. For this research about thirteen different organizations were contacted out of which on ...
collected from the other staff. The responses collected thereof are being listed in the form of tables given as follows: 4.1.1 P ...
The interviews conducted with the senior executives of different organization reveled that majority of the responses based on 52 ...
training may not carry any implication in the achievement of individual or organizational strategic goals, except for re-gaining ...
means that in these organization job relevance is sought in employee development programs which may be interpreted as a quick fi ...
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