learning organization comments about their training selection criteria process as- “a comprehensive training system is being fol ...
PMs and they nominate the persons for the trainings.....mostly useless persons who have little role in the project to play”. Thi ...
achieving such long term motivation of the employees. The need for integrating career development in HRD program is not only to ...
progressive performance further authenticate the fact that the purpose of training in such organizations is to enhance employee ...
Study Q:2: How does Organizational Development strategies contributes towards Career Development and vice versa? H:1: If the org ...
improvement in quality. A professor in an organization belonging to this category comments about the impact of the training as “ ...
According to a Manager belong to an organization of this category “By training the staff becomes able to overcome critical situa ...
the business. A technical Director Health in this category comments about the impact and contribution of trainings that it could ...
quick remedy to resolve existing problems. This again conforms to the fact that that the improvement process does not stop just ...
Considering the above explanation it could be argued that H:1 stands accepted to a greater extent. Further adding, it is pointed ...
Interpretation and analysis In our previous argument through out the literature review we have established the fact that the str ...
to annual appraisal of the employees. This means that any change required during that period will go unnoticed, and therefore, w ...
Table # 2-B The Use of Information Received from Feedback Use of feedback Info. Learning Org.(A) Conventional Org.(B) Org. A % O ...
management, and is in the form their formal and informal performance appraisal of the employees. This reflects that work environ ...
The above analysis shows that as the feedback process is not that formal and frequent in conventional organizations so their cap ...
Table # 3-B Individual Expectations of Support for Their Career Development Expectations Learning Org.(A) Conventional Org. (B) ...
Interpretation and analysis In terms of individuals’ expectations of support from the organization, the above table lists twenty ...
Responses including support in achievement of career goals, career planning, capacity building through job enrichment, providing ...
opportunities for me to work independently”. This means that the employees of this category see training as a source of skill en ...
company working in other countries this will help them see their work from a different perspective. At the same time they will a ...
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