Tm ImprCl'lIl yaut buslnllss Idlollls ~, G1mAl BlISI'lm Why In.'1 Ilv .. EnliUsh boob , I llStlfSS SKIU.S Inllrutlon. ludllf$hlp ...
EDITORIAL Useful things tu learn Lady Gaga: lob of adv._~ ice for 11 you wanted management and leadership advice, who would yo ...
CONTENTS 412010 12 Business idioms WORKING WORLO 6 Names and News EDIlmII The latest from the world of business 10 My Work ...
46 Bad bosses LAN6UA6E SECTION 72 Vocabulary Roadworks 73 Grammar at Work Using quant if ie rs 74 False Friendsj Tricky Translat ...
WORKING WORLO NAMES AND NEWS Percentage of British employees who regularly eat lunch away from their desks Sou<cu: F_nciM r ...
Crime preventJon? Art cla" In an empty ""'dM bulldlng Going Up W hen it comes to recycling, Ihere's lots of room for im· proveme ...
JAPAN Something's fishy T hc cou nrry that brought thc world sushi and sashimi - bOl h mad e using ra w fish - is tum- ing away ...
U.S. MfUnw May and December at work F orget about Mars and~. The next challenge at work is not about men and women, but young an ...
WORKING WORLD MY WORKING LI FE RE6INA RINKENBURGER Von der Tankstelle in die Fluten: In nur drei Jahren schaffte es die 38-jäh ...
TEST BUSINESS ID IO MS HITTING THE NAIL Englische Muttersprachler sind sich oft gar nicht bewusst. wie viele idiomatische Rede ...
ON TH Idioms: eolourful wa)'s to u r what )'OU mean, but useful onl)' If ever)'one understands thern ...
TEST BUSINESS IDIOMS 3. No trouble at all FtiiflÜH The team is talkinl about who will do whieh jobs. Some idioms that sound nel ...
lime to get moving ,md IM I Karen sends an email 10 warn the leam members of an Inereasina: workload. Choose the correet idioms ...
TEST BUSINESS IDIOMS J, ~. t he ball, m • • , buslnen Idioms come from sport When all is said and done B. Be a good sport b@ ...
Answers 1, Bursti", with priele (Vor Stol.z ~Izen) .J knock Slh. together letw, ~f" ~Ien) 111 ~~k the news (die NeullJk~it Ober/ ...
GLOBAL BUSINESS PUBLISHING A HEARl FUR INDIA Namhafte Verleger sind davon überzeugt, dass sich Indien innerhalb des nächsten J ...
rivate spaee eompanies have almost always over- promised. In the last 30 years, just ovcr [Cn have (ried to break into the busin ...
publisher, Rlipa. T he author himself explained that one key tO his success was the " huge aspirarion for the Eng- lish language ...
GLOBAL BUSINESS HEAD-TO-HEAD SHOULD THE COSMDS BE COMMERCIALIZED? Sollte der Weltraum weiterhin nur von Staaten erforscht werd ...
GLOBAL BUSINESS BUSINESS PRESS The Observer I t is possible ... ro a pplaud the smooth transitio n ro Britain's first coalitio ...
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