The Wall Street Journat The euro's tribulations Ist der schwache Euro tatsächlich schuld an der finanziellen Krisensituation in ...
GLOBAL BUSINESS BUSINESS PRESS BEHIND THE HEADLINES Headlines in English-Ianguage media can be difficult to understand. They a ...
BUSINESS PRESS GLOBAL BUSINESS. MEDIA WATCHnw,jjll Gardening leave Siow steaming Goodchild had accepted an offer to move from UB ...
INTERCULTURAl COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONAL CUlTURES SHARED VALUES Nicht nur zwischen verschiedenen Nationen, auch zwischen einze ...
Professionals acquire similar values, beliefs and behaviour through common education and training All the same? ProfessIonal cul ...
INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIO N PROFESSIONAL CUlTURES Case study One face to the customer? What do you thiok the problem is here? ...
It's hard for engineers to deal with emotions at work. Emotions aren't logical" Let's face it, lots of us wem into enginee rin ...
INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONAL CULTURES Case study Comments T he sort of situation described on page 28, where a cus ...
ence than that of th eir colleagues on the Continent. She contrasts Sritain, as the land of the philosophers Locke and H ume, fo ...
INTERCUlTURAl COMMUNICATION DIALOGUE MIND DVER MATTER Kann ma n besser durchtrainiert und körperlich fitter se in als e in Pro ...
KELLMANN: Exacrly. ] rhink sports psychologists have to become a natural and neutral part of rhe training envjronment. h 's rcal ...
GMng her aH: football is the best form of exercise. say South Afrlcan football grannies Gummisandalen oder Fußballschuhe, Küchen ...
General Offieial name: Republie of Sout h Afriea Nationality: South African Capital eities: Pretoria (administrative) 1.1 millio ...
BUSINESS SKlllS INTERNATIONAllEADERSHIP LEARNIN& TO LEAD Internationale FÜhrungskräfte sehen sich von versch iedenen Herau ...
Taklnc yout t aam wtth you: do you have tha qualttles 1 ...
BUSINESS SKlllS INTERNATIONAllEADERSHIP z. Complexity When leaders work internationally, things get more complex. They face a ...
cause people a re iovolvcd, rhey a re much more commined.» TIps for managing paradoxes: Know your organizarion. Whar a re rhe c ...
BUSINESS SKlllS INlrERNA,TI()N' mhers. They a lso rhink about how ro communicate in a way that builds understanding and takes ...
SURVIVAL GUIDE BUSINESS SKILLS • INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP Cut this page out and use it to prepare for your internationalleadersh ...
BUSINESS SKlllS SURVIVAL GUIDE d) listen t o th e feedback of local business units when they resist c h ange Why do you Ihink ...
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