Lost Mine of Phandelver
Themaster of the Phandalinpostis a sharp-tongued human woman of thirty-fivenamed Linene Graywind. She knows thatbandits haveraid ...
JOINING THE ZHENTARIM If the partydisposes of the Redbrandleader, Halia Thornton approaches certain members of the groupto urge ...
defeator driveoff the tribe's chieftain. Sildar suggests the partymight findthe castleby searching the landsaround the Triboar T ...
RedbrandHideout. TheRedbrands' basein Phandalin is a dungeon complex under Tresendar Manor.Before the manor wasruined, its cella ...
This appears to be a storeroom pressed into service as living quarters. Twodouble bunks stand against the wallnear the door, whi ...
•... 4. TRESENDAR CRYPTS Theelders of the long-gone Tresendar familywereonce laidto rest in thismausoleum. Three largestone sarc ...
Thisareais the north end of a largenatural cavern, but it has been finished withdressed stone blockwallsand a flagstone floor.Se ...
intothe fissure. Thechest contains 160 sp, 120gp, five malachite gems (15 gp each),twopotionsof healing,anda scrollof augury. Th ...
FourRedbrand ruffians are drinkingandplaying knucklebones when the characters enter.Thegame isn't far fromturning acrimonious, a ...
I \ 26 PART2: PHANDALIN instead assembled a group of outlaws andlocalruffians to secure his own position in town. larno knewof t ...
PART 3: THE SPIDER'S WEB In thispartof the adventure,the charactersfollowup on existing leadsandlines of inquiry.Theycan'tlearn ...
Goblins.Thegoblinsknow the locationof Cragmaw Castle andcanprovidedirections if theyare capturedand threatened. Each onecarries ...
1 The ghostly figure smiles withcoldamusement. "Verywell," she says."I knowthatyou seekmanythings. Ask me one question, andI wil ...
Ruinsof Thundertree Nearthe placewhere the Neverwinter Riveremerges fromNeverwinter Woodstands the abandonedvillageof Thundertre ...
Door IntactWall Path RuinedWall Statue Tree Window Four ashzombies (seethe "AshZombies" sidebar) lurkin the shadowsin thisbuildi ...
DEVELOPMENTS If the charactersask aboutCragmaw Castle,Reidoth gladly providesdirections. He is a memberof the EmeraldEnclave, a ...
A younggreendragonnamed Venomfang hasrecently claimed the tower,havingpassed over Thundertree whilesearching Neverwinter Wood fo ...
AWARDING EXPERIENCE POINTS Divide 200 XP equally among the charactersif the party returns the necklaceto Mirnainstead of keeping ...
Thedoors to this cottage are barredfromthe inside, requiring a successful DC 20 Strength checkto force open.Theshutters are also ...
-======================~=------~--~------ Light.A smallamount of natural lightfiltersthrough the arrow slitsaround the castle. D ...
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