Lost Mine of Phandelver
the mine.Thenthe doppelgangerintends to kill the dwarf anddestroy the map. If the villainshavebeenwarned thatan attackis imminen ...
PART 4: WAVE ECHO CAVE Fifteen mileseastof Phandalin, in the deepvalesof the Sword Mountains, liesWaveEchoCave.Therichmine of th ...
BOOMINC WAVES All good dungeons havecharacteristics that makethem unique, andWave EchoCaveis no exception. Therhythmic thunder o ...
~-~--------------------- This chamber wasonce an officeor storeroom of some kind. A largestone counter bisects theroom, set with ...
minutes (seethe rulebook for more information on the poisoned condition). Thegas disperses after1 minute, but untilthen, anylivi ...
13. STARRY CAVERN Thestructural damage andthe skeletal remains in this areaare evidence of the destructive spell battle fought h ...
F'"'--- Hereis where the wizardsalliedwiththe dwarvesand gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact channeled the magic of thesecaverns to ...
A narrow ledge overlooks a largecavern that houses a surging, seething bodyof water. Therhythmic booming heard throughout the mi ...
NE1.ZNAR THEBLACK SPIDER bludgeoning damage fromfallingrubble andfallingprone on a failure, or taking onlyhalfthe damage on a su ...
If the charactersdealwithNezznar andhis minions, this areaserves as a safeandcomfortable placeto restbefore continuing theirexpl ...
ApPENDIX A: MAGIC ITEMS Everyadventure holdsthe promise-but not a guarantee- of findingoneor more magicitems.LostMineof Phandelv ...
POTION OFHEALING Whenyoudrink thispotion, youregain 2d4+ 2 hit points. POTION OFINVISIBILITY Whenyoudrink thispotion, you-along ...
ApPENDIX B: MONSTERS Thissection contains statblocksandshort descriptions for the creaturesthatappear in Lost Mine of Phandelver ...
ABILITY SCORES Everycreature hassix abilityscores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, andCharisma) and cor ...
MonsterDescriptions Themonsters appearing in the adventureare presented in thissection in alphabetical order. BUGBEAR Medium hum ...
SkillsDeception +6, Insight+3 Condition Immunities charmed Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages Common Chal ...
Cantrip (at will):magehand 1st level(3 slots): magicmissile,shield 2ndlevel(2 slots): blur,flaming sphere 3rd level(1 slot):fir ...
ACTIONS Multiattack. Thegrick makes one attack with its tentacles. If that attack hits, the grickcanmake one beakattack against ...
NOTHIC Medium aberration, neutralevil ArmorClass15 (natural armor) Hit Points45 (6d8+ 18) Speed30 ft. STR 14 (+2) DEX 16 (+3) CO ...
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