CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC
see you, he’s going to have to make plans with you and take you on a proper date. So when he offers you scraps, you have to turn ...
4. Have The Talk Aer Your Time Frame. As I menoned earlier, if this is a new relaonship, perhaps he needed some me to really mak ...
That's right - you’re the one who suggests to him that he needs me away to figure it out, because again, everyone deserves to be ...
And lastly you’re showing him that you have the confidence that you'll find what you were looking for and despite being disappoi ...
Again, the conversaon is likely to end with the two of you parng ways. Most likely, he won’t be convinced of the seriousness of ...
geng him to open up emoonally, and keeping him aached and in love forever. I’ll see you in the next chapter. Want To Work With M ...
Chapter 8: Trigger His Love Chemicals In this chapter, I’m going to share the things you can do to help your man fall deeply in ...
thinking about him, craving him, and can’t wait unl the next me you see or talk to him. It’s almost like you have a natural addi ...
these strategies help you create the right relaonship condions or precursors that pave the way for a man to fall in love with yo ...
by adrenaline. When you’re aracted to someone, your body is releasing adrenaline, just as it does during the fight or flight res ...
like this - when you see a person you’re aracted to, dopamine levels in your brain instantly increase because you've detected so ...
Simply put, you've got to be that person that he wants to be with the most. So keep things light and fun. You have to rock his w ...
High levels of PEA promotes feelings of aracon, excitement, giddiness and apprehension. So, it makes sense that if you are able ...
sustained eye contact for five minutes will kick-start his producon of PEA. On the psychological side of things, it's very impor ...
movaon, ½ of his drive, and ½ of his aracon is gone and he no longer has to try so hard. So, don’t be afraid to disagree with hi ...
Chapter 9: The Acve Journal Method In this chapter, we are going to talk about the third and most important love chemical – oxyt ...
Aachment begins in childhood and is essenally the bond that forms between a baby and his parents or caregivers. Having an aachme ...
doesn’t seem very similar. They seem to be different types of relaonships. But let me give you some examples of the similaries. ...
Aachment is facilitated by the same physiological systems. The same powerful neurotransmiers or hormones (specifically oxytocin) ...
For example, men in commied relaonships who were administered oxytocin through a nasal spray viewed their partners as more aracv ...
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