61 “the way he should go” means “the way we, the parents think he (or she) should go.” Can you see the boundary conflicts alread ...
62 when the time came, she panicked and remained silent. She well knew how to be compliant, appreciative, and childlike with her ...
63 to provide a consistent, warm, loving, and predictable emotional environment for him or her. During this stage, Mom’s job is ...
64 activities and a place to talk for mothers of infants and toddlers. “On her first birthday—to the very day—my Hillary became ...
65 The separation-individuation process isn’t a smooth transition into a person. Three phases are critical to developing healthy ...
66 limits of the Almighty?” No, we can’t. But we are created to dis- cover, to experience the Creation and to know the Creator. ...
67 grandiosity and their irresponsibility. Then you become a “wet blanket.” It’s revealing to talk to the “wet blanket” who is m ...
68 full speed. Sprinters can’t keep up the pace for miles. And prac- ticing children must give way to the next phase, rapprochem ...
69 that old sinful nature is rearing its ugly head in my little girl,” the parents will remark while their friends nod sagely. “ ...
70 Popsicles and favorite toys! It’s worth it for them to have the no. It keeps them from feeling completely helpless and powerl ...
71 The ability to be emotionally attached to others, yet without giving up a sense of self and one’s freedom to be apart. The a ...
72 Boundary Injuries: What Goes Wrong? Boundary problems are rooted in thousands of encounters with others, as well in our own n ...
73 How often do we hear the statement that “God loves the sin- ner, but hates the sin”? It’s true. His love is constant and “nev ...
74 responsible for Mom and Dad’s feelings. That’s what omnipo- tent means: “I am powerful enough to make Mom and Dad pull away. ...
75 This hostility is a poor counterfeit of God’s program of learn- ing discipline. Discipline is the art of teaching children se ...
76 The Bible addresses two distinct reactions to hostility in par- ents: Fathers are told not to “embitter [their] children, or ...
77 lots of love and lots of forgiveness would help her be the adult she needed to be. So whenever Eileen didn’t pick up after he ...
78 Obviously, we’re describing the person who has a difficult time hearing others’ boundaries and/or needs. These people have be ...
79 to look at how a tree in a forest can be hurt. It can be fed inappro- priately, through bad ingredients in the soil, or it ca ...
80 Our Own Character Traits Have you ever heard someone described as being that way “from the womb”? Perhaps you were always act ...
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