181 Some people learn to accept boundaries early in life, even as early as stage number one. But some people have to go all the ...
182 If this principle isn’t taught, it’s difficult for children to grow up as loving people. Frequently, they become self-center ...
183 Birth to Five Months At this stage, the newborn needs to establish an attachment with Mother, Dad, or the primary caregiver. ...
184 Teaching delay of gratification shouldn’t begin until after the first year of life, when a foundation of safety has been est ...
185 Ten to Eighteen Months At this “practicing” stage, your baby begins not only talking, but also walking—and the possibilities ...
186 At eighteen to thirty-six months the child needs to learn to be autonomous. She wants to be free of parental rule, but this ...
187 tle boys want to be like Dad, and little girls like Mom. They also develop competitive feelings toward that same parent, wis ...
188 Eleven to Eighteen Years Adolescence, the final step before adulthood, involves important tasks such as sexual maturation, a ...
189 Continual conflict in family Wrong type of friends School problems Eating disorders Alcohol use Drug use Suicidal ideas or ...
190 and severe infractions. Otherwise, severe penalties become meaningless. A client once told me, “I got whippings for little t ...
191 11. Boundaries and Work I n Sunday school we were studying Adam and Eve and the Fall. I learned that the Fall was the beginn ...
192 another. Their theme was “Get the attention off of me.” This tendency to blame another is a key work problem. The Fall also ...
193 co-laborer with God in the community of humanity. By giving to others we find true fulfillment. The New Testament teaches th ...
194 “But what if things go wrong?” Susie asked. Lynda shrugged. “Then they’ll blame Jack. It’s not your responsibility.” “Jack w ...
195 to find a way that you can. You owe no one an explanation about why you will not do something that is not your responsibilit ...
196 She was right. I did have a problem. I had not managed my workload very well. I was either going to have to spend more on he ...
197 these tasks in the time you are willing to give, your boss may need to hire temporary help to complete those tasks. You may ...
198 very well! They feel like they are doing a great job, but their boss is upset because essential goals are not being met. The ...
199 Take a lesson from Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, who, seeing Moses’ lack of boundaries, asked him why he was working so hard ...
200 over the critical person, which can almost never be done, or by allowing the person to provoke them to anger. Some people in ...
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