Arabic: An Essential Grammar
ُسْمـ َّ شلَأ 1 . ٌةَعِلاَط (17) asˇ-sˇamsu t ̇ a ̄li atun. The sun 1 is rising. 1 . ٌةَديِدَش ٌحيِر (18) rı h ̇ un sˇadı ...
51 Chapter 11 Conjunctions, prepositions and the particle تى ّ َ َح h ̇ atta ̄ 11.1 Some conjunctions and prepositions consist o ...
1 (^) َجَرَخ 2 ٌُبـِلاَطَف ُذاَتـْسْ لأَف ُريِدُمـْل h ̆ arag ̆a l-mudı ru fa-l usta ̄d ̄ u fa-t ̇ a ̄libun. 2 The rector ...
After a transitive verb: َسْأ َّ رل ى َّ تَح َةَكَم َّ سل َلَكَأ akala s-samakata h ̇ atta ̄ r-ra sa. He ate the fish, eve ...
is changed to fath ̇ ah or kasrah, in order to avoid having three consonants fol- lowing each other, thus smoothing the pronunci ...
“تىََّأ ُمو ُت َو ِ في َن ْف ِسي َش ْي ٌء ِم ْن َح” amu ̄tu wa-fı nafsı sˇay un min h ̇ atta ̄ I shall die and still hav ...
sentences by using any of the four prepositions َم َع ma a, ِع ْن َد inda, َلـ َدى lada ̄ or ...ِلـ (...َلـ) li... (la...) a ...
11.11 Spelling rules for the preposition ِلـ... li... (a) When ِلـ... li... ‘for, to’ precedes a word with the definite article ...
Exercises Practise your reading: 1 ُرـيِزَوْلَو ُكـِلَمـْل َجَرـَخ 2 . ِرـْصـَقْل َنِم اًعَم ُريـِفـ َّ سلَو (1) h ̆ arag ̆a ...
1 ُكِلَمـْل َثَعَب 2 اًرَبَخ 3 . ِريـِف َّ سلَو ِرـيِزَوـْلـِل ًاّماَه (9) ba at ̄ a l-maliku h ̆ abaran ha ̄mman li-l-wazı ...
َبِرَش 1 ىَّ تَح َةَوْهَقْل ُفْي َّ ضل 2 . َلْف ُ ّثل (18) sˇariba d ̇ -d ̇ ayfu l-qahwata h ̇ atta ̄ t ̄ -t ̄ ufla. The 1 gu ...
61 Chapter 12 Id ̇ a ̄fah construction (genitive attribute) and the five nouns 12.1 The meaning of the Arabic term id ̇ a ̄f ...
12.3 The semantic relation between the two constituents of the id ̇ a ̄fah construction is not, however, always that of posses ...
(d) Sometimes the annexer can function either as genitive attribute or logical object, e.g. 12.4 Rules concerning the id ̇ a ̄ ...
(c) If the second noun (the annexer) is in the definite form, it causes the whole id ̇ a ̄fah construction to be definite. If ...
12.7 When the first noun (the annexed) in the genuine id ̇ a ̄fah con- struction is qualified by an adjective, the adjective a ...
12.10 However, the noun to which the adjective refers may be ambiguous even in a vocalized text, e.g. ِريِصَقْل ِذيِمْل َّ تل ...
Exercises Practise your reading: 1 ُلِماَعْل َح َّلَص 2 ِةَرا َّيَّ سل َكا َّبُش 3 .َل َّ طَعُمـْل (1) s ̇ allah ̇ a l- a ̄ ...
1 ُلَخْدَم 2 ِةَقيِدَح 3 ُديِدَجـْل ِتاَناَوَيَحـْل 4 . ٌحوُتْفَم (9) madh ̆ alu h ̇ ad-ıqati l-h ̇ ayawa ̄na ̄ti l-g ̆ad-ıdu ...
1 َمَدَخ 2 ُطِباَض 3 ِرْصَق يِف ِةَطْر ُّ شل 4 . ِديِدَجـْل ِكِلَمـْل (17) h ̆ adama d ̇ a ̄bit ̇ u sˇ-sˇurt ̇ ati fı qas ̇ ...
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