Arabic: An Essential Grammar
19.4 The derived verb forms V, VI and VII have no passive because their active forms often have a passive or intransitive meanin ...
following are the most common prepositions used to express the passive agent: Examples: ل ِمِّقـ َب ِل ْلـ ُمـ َعـَُكـ ِتـ َب ...
1 ْنَأ َدْعَب 2 ُباَب َلِفُق 3 ِنا كَُّّ دل 4 َّقَ لُع 5 ىَلِإ ُحاَتْفِمـْل 6 ِباَبْل ِبِناَج 7 َكاَنُه ْنِم َقِرُسَف 8 ْتَقِ ...
The factory 1 was moved 2 outside the city and 5 more than 6 half of 7 the workers 3 were released (fired) from 4 work. 1 ُديِدَ ...
(7) Alcoholic drinks will be prohibited from sale in the market and at the airport. (8) A delegation was sent by the Ministry of ...
135 Chapter 20 Rules for writing the hamzah (hamzatu l-qat ̇ i) 20.1 With regard to the discussion in chapter 7 of the hamzah ...
(b) The second strongest vowel is d ̇ ammah ــُــ /u/. (c) The weakest vowel is fath ̇ ah (^) ـَـــ /a/. (d) The suku ̄n (^) ـْـ ...
20.6 When the hamzah appears with a vowel of its own after ya ̄ with suku ̄n (^) ...ـ ْ يـ... /...y.../, the bearer of the ham ...
20.9 When the hamzah occurs between two long alifs (^) اءا /a ̄ a ̄/, it is again written without a bearer, e.g. ِق َرا َءا ...
20.12 When hamzah is followed by the extra alif (ـا.ً ..), mentioned in chapter 5, or by a suffix pronoun, and preceded by a l ...
(b) The bearer of the hamzah is decided by its own vowel, inasmuch as it is considered as being in the middle of a word preceded ...
Exercises Practise your reading: 1 َك َّ نَأ يِنَءاَس 2 َتْئِج 3 ّ خَأَتُم ِ ىَلِإ اًر 4 . ِرَمَتْؤُمـْل (1) sa ̄ a-nı ann ...
2 The (official) responsible at 3 the Ministry of the 4 Environment did not 1 dare 5 to express 6 his opinion 7 about 8 the matt ...
Translate into Arabic: (1) Pain teaches everything about (the) happiness and (the) sadness. (2) Everything has an end except one ...
144 Chapter 21 Broken plurals and collective nouns 21.1 A very large number of nouns and adjectives have a plural called the bro ...
21.3 Agreement of adjectives with plural nouns (a) Broken plurals referring to masculine or feminine human beings may take the a ...
21.4 Collective nouns, ِإ ْس ُم ْلـ َج ْم ِع, indicate a gathering in one unit or group, and they can refer to both humans and ...
Note: Some collective nouns may also take the predicate verb in the feminine singular, e.g. Exercises Practise your reading: 1 ( ...
1 ( ُةَكَمَس ).s ُكَمَس 2 ( ٌرْهَن ).s ِرُهْنْ َلأ 3 ِتاَرْيَحُبْلَو 4 ِكَمَس ْنِم ُبَيْطَأ 5 (. ٌرْحَب ).s ِراَحِبْل (3) sam ...
bi-mawa ̄d ̇ ı a adı datin min-ha ̄: raf u ug ̆u ̄ri l- umma ̄li wa-l-muwad ̄ ̇ d ̄ ̇ afı na wa-tah ̆ fı d ̇ u ...
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