A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
PODS OF lfA 'l't71l.a. Tbe 1\J'mamenta which tbundentrike t.he walt- Of rock-built eit.iea, biddiDg nation• quake, And monarchs ...
POI!XS OJr N'AIJ'OR&, I. IT i.e the midnight hour :-the beauteous sea, Calm aa the cloudless heaven, the heaven disclose.9 1 ...
33 Whoae cavern'd bue the whirlpoola and the wave~, Bunting and eddying irreaiatibly, Rage and reaound for ever. ........ The er ...
Tss island lies nine leagues away, Along ita 10litary shore, Of er~~ggy rock and aandy bay, No 10und b1.1t ocean's roar, Save, w ...
POE¥8 OJ' lf.UVB.& 31f Raging among the caverns, and a bri11ge Crosaes the chaml ; and higb above these grow, With intersect ...
36 : l'O.K1l.8 0~ NATil'RB.- ~ Stent itt ) utt. 'MoNG the green lanes of Kent-green sunny la.ne~J-- Wbere troops of children ab ...
1'008 OJ' 2f A.!'tT1Ut. Green to the very door ; and wrentha of IJDioke Sen~ up, iu silence, from among the treee I With loml' u ...
A~d Do•, with gleams of. hal!-extinguiah'd Uloag1t\ With JllaDY recognitions dim and ft.Lint, And 801oewh&t of a. aad perple ...
POZKBOJ'Jr~ And rolla throngh all lhings. '!'herefore aJil I dill A lonr of the mea.dowa and the wood' And mountains ; and of al ...
or "tender joy willt thou remember me, And theae my ex;hortational Nor, perchance- If I should be where I no more CAU bear Thy v ...
3 "piau a! nulling gtrtll' fot lJot!s mabt.' ' I 111'00D tiptoe upon & tittle hill, Tbe air was eooling, and eo nry still Th ...
PUlDIB OF lU.TURJII. Their .Uver belliee on the pebbly eaud I If you but scantily bold out. the hand, That very iuata.nt not one ...
;roam 07 1U!I't1Jl& The doe awoke, and to the lawn. Begemm'd with dew-drops, led her l'awn; The grey miat left the mountain- ...
POIDIS OJ' lf .LTUB.L How richly glo""'. the water'• breut Before ns, tinged with evening hues, While., facing thus the criroaon ...
1'()&1{8 OF !U.TOU, The meetiug bo~;~gbs 11nd im~licated lea vee Wove twilight o'er the Poets path, aa (e,J By. love, ·or dr ...
roi'JIS or ll' .&.ma& lom1"J'~~. INTO thnt forest far they theace him led, Where wu their dwelling, in a pleuant ilade W ...
POZXB OY Jr.u'Uaa. Now all \he trece--tope ·lAy uleep Lib green wavea on ~he 18&; AA alill as is the silent deep The ocean-w ...
1'008 OJ' lU.Tt7RX. Sweet viewa which in our world e.bove Can never well be seen, Were imaged by the water's love or that fair f ...
U dewy morn, and odoroua noon, and enu With suoset and ite gorgeoua miniatera, And solemn miduight'e tingli.Dg sileotne11 ; If A ...
60 POJDlll o• lf.41'Uln. All heuen and earth are still-though 110t in afeep, But breathleea, aa we ~row when feeli.ag moat; .And ...
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