A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
POitX8 OJ' • A 'I'U1I.L. · '"~'ut~~·· BLUB Eyebright I loveliest ftower or &11 that grow In tlower-loved England! Flower, wh ...
l'O.Itll.8 OJ' 'lrATUJUl. Ia igt Jmall «:uanmu.* PustES, lilies, kingcupe, daisies, Le~ them live upon their praiaea; Long 1111 ...
l'Oli:KB 01' lfATtnl& ta tqt tfringlb tl.tldi~m. T aou blossom bright with autumn dew, And colour'd with the heaven's own bl ...
~~ Ji.Uu gf tkt ,ur.o. FLoWBRS! when the Sa.viour'a calm benignant eye. Fell on your gentle beauty- when Crom you That heavenly ...
lit ~af.obU.. (^1) I wJ..lrou.'D lonely ae a eloud That floats on high o'er valea and billa, When all at onoe I aaw a crowd, A. ...
18 Thou, the spi.rituA1 flower, Sentient of each breeze and shower, Thou, rejoicing in t.he akiea, And t.ranapieroed with all th ...
PODS OJ' JU.TUA&. The yew obedient to the bender'• will ; The birch for aha&, the eallow for the miU ; The warlike beech ...
18 'a 81namu. F.All!. pledgee of & fruitful tree, Why do ye fall ao fut 1 Your date ia not 10 put, But you may atay yet here ...
H.&tu& I come creeping, creeping ner,whln i By the duaty road~de 7 On the sunny hill-side, Close ~Y the noisy brook. In ...
tit .ikularh. 1IA.n. to thee, blithe spirit I Bird thou never wert. That frOm heaven, or near it. Pourest thy full heart In prof ...
POEKB OJ' JIATUU. L\ke a high-born maiden Iu A. pn.lace tower, Soothing her love-laden Soul iu se\!ret hour With music :oweet as ...
Walci.ng or uleep 1 Thou or death mllet deem Tbinp more true and deep Than we mortAla dream, Or M.-ooold thy notes flow in such ...
l'OJDIII 0., JUT11BB, Ja I gut 1\t gmtlt Jnlt I Lo I here the gentle lark, wenry of rest, From his moist e:tbiuet mount.ll UlJ o ...
P(>lDIS 0., NATURE.. ,~, Jhmtl. SoME humble heru-t is sore and sick with grief, ·:ADd straight thou comeat with thy gentle so ...
pOJ!llll OJ' li..LTtrii.L to * «nd1.0o. 0 BLITIIZ New-comer I I h&ve heard, I bea.r thee, and rejoice. 0 cuckoo I ahall I ca ...
28 A 'I'BOlTBAlJD miltlll from land are we, Ta.ing abon~ on the roaring sea ; From billow ~ bounding billow cast, Like 1leecysno ...
POBKB or .ATOIL&o t~t trc.m Jimtd. BDUTB tl;ese fruit.tTee bougha tbat abed Tbeir mow-white blossoma on my bean, With bright ...
PO.Df8 OJ' lfA'rU&Z. WITH the lfllf'eet &ire of spring the Robin comea ; And in her simple song there aeema to gwsh A at ...
t~c iiliing i1ut. LooJt yonder, with delighted heart and eye, On t.hoee low eotta.gee that shine so bright (Each with"ita garden ...
$nnut at $ea. 'Tts sunset; to the firmament serene The Atlantic wave nfiect.e a gorgeoua ltOelle; :Broad in the cloudle1111 west ...
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