A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
~bt ~torm .ow tbe :J:Ips. TBa aky ia changed 1--oo euoh a c~ t Oh, rlight, And atorm, and darkne~ ye ar. woDdroaa' it.roug, Yet ...
POlD&S O:r lfA.TVBL Ah I my heart is aick with longiDg, LoDging for the MAy- Longing to eecape (rom.etudy, 'l'o the yollllg ...
Of waving bough, or warbling bird, Or cattle fll.intly lowing : 1 could have half-belieYed I heal'<l The leavea and bloesoms ...
~~Jpripg, Now that tbe winter's gone, the earth hath lOAt Her ano"lr·White robes, and now no more the frost Candies the grass, o ...
l'Ob't o:r •.lfl!U. The mnis wild, with many a note, Sings drowsy day to rest; ln love and freedom they rejoice, With care ~or t ...
PODOl OJ' lfATOR&. Jinu furiftm i:n lllliiZ !prlng. I BtAllD a thousand blended notes WhUe in a grove I BAt reclin'd, In thA ...
67 And Afl.er April, when May followe, And the whitethroat builds, a.nd all theawallo,._ Hark I where my bl0880m'd pear· tree in ...
!lwALt.Ow, awallow, hither wing, Bither, swallow, bringing spring; From the lAke bath gone the teal, Y,ed the widgeon from the ~ ...
~~t ~ Jan in jlptDg. l now a lane thick eet wit~ golden broom, Where the pl'le primroae and tall orohia bloom ; ..And azure viol ...
POlDl8 07 llf U'O"B.lt. imtg Dtt iprmg Jtam. To year's at the t~pring, .And day's at the morn ; Morning's at seven; The hill·sid ...
Forth from my home I take an early fiight, Down the lone -.ale punue my devious w&y, 81 Bound o'er the meadows with a keen d ...
~ ~nmmu ~~~!!· 1 IT is a aultry dAy; the IUD bu drunk The dew thet lay upon the morning grus ; There is no rustling in the loft; ...
l'OJal& o• lllnotJU. Nod gaily to each other; gloaey lea vee .Al'e twinkling in the sun. aa i! tbe dew Were on them ye~, and ...
$mnmtr's «bt. Ct.E.U had the day been from the d&Wll, All ohequer'd wM the sky, Thin clouds, like sCI\rfs of cobweb la.wn, V ...
PODS OJ' llf4TUU. There's a dance of leaves in thAt upen bower, There'• & titter or winda in that beechen tree. There's a sm ...
18 POJCKII OJ' llrATUlUL ""l'lt lon'y now to tarn one 'It eye, The changing fl\ce ofhea.veo tc>111i:ucl1 How thiri-spun eloud ...
$1 Suaolf of mista aud IX!ellow frultfulneaa! Olose bosom-ft·iend of the maturing &UA; CoWlpiring with him how to load 1\nd bles ...
68 POIDI8 0., !U.TUU Tazu ia a boautifulapirit breatbiug now Its meUow ricbneaa on the clu8ter'd trees, And, from a beaker full ...
trlobrr. OaronB ekiee are miaty, cool &Dd gJ'I'Y, The stubble& emptied of their latest abeaf, The meadow of it. mound• ; ...
fimn Df 8int.tr. L.urr.T ('.nme Winter clothfd all in frieze, Chntt'rin!{ hi11 teeth for cold that dhl him chilli Whilst on Ins ...
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