A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter
l'OI:If8 OJ' JrA'rVJUE, And eome, as on tE'l!der wingv tbl'y glide , From their chilly birtb~louti, dim a11d gray, Are join'J in ...
POJDIB 0, lU.TUJUI. Come, montb11, come away, From November to M.ay, In your A&drleet array ; Follow the bier or the dead co ...
POI!lll! o.r lU.TUltlL t. Du hnd nwaken'd all tbinga that be, The lnrk, and the tbrn.sh, and the awallow free. And the milkmaid' ...
WHAT eonl waa his, wh~n, from the naked top or some boltl hea.Jl&n•l, be beheld th~ eon Riee up anol bathe the wotl•l in lig ...
Dried in his beams tbeir locka, wet with the drops Of night; and all the ao&a of ruWJic eung Their matin aong-from srl•our'd ...
Tbe oottaae-onl'll at t>arly pilgrim bark; Crown'ii with her pail the tripping milkmaid ainga; The whistling ploughman atalka ...
l'OIQ(8 OJ' 1U.T178Jt. Or an air-disaolv6d alar Mingling light and fragnnce, far From the curved horizon's bound, Filla the over ...
S:loHig~. I I LOVE thee, Twilight! as thy shadowa rotJ, The calm of evening atea.la upon my aonl, Sublimely tender, solemnly 11e ...
r. Coxz, Evening, once again, eeuou or peMe; Returu, sweet Evening, and continue long I M.ethiloke I Pee thee iu the streaky wes ...
IJI. Ts:B sun is set; the swa.llows are aaleep ,. The bats are fiitting fllo8t in the gray air ; The slow soft toads out of damp ...
Then, trembli~, through the dewy ekies, Look out the ata~ like thoughtful eyes Of angels, 'calm reclining there, And gazing on t ...
8! IJ.omaU.t. Boolf will the moon and all her atAn be here ; A. smiling light procl&ime her o'u yon hill ; Slo"IY abe raieee ...
Jofo btan:tifnl tht ~Utttt Df Y'tSbt. How beautiful the Queen of Night, on high Her way purtluing among aeatter'd cloudt, Where, ...
Tu crackling embers on the hearth are dead; The in-<l.oor note of industry i& still; The latch i!l fast ; upon the window ...
PODS OJ' lU.TUIUL n. To Moon &hines white and silent On the mia~ whieh, like a tide or some enchanted ocean, O'er the wide m ...
86 'Tla Midnight : on the mountains bt'Own The cold round moon shines deeply down; Blue roll the watera, blue the aky Spreadalik ...
PART IT. POEMS OP IMAGINATION AND FANOY. Tu Poet'• 0111, Ia a Aaetn.n•r toWnr, J:lolll &la.aCO llom be&Tell tO t&l'\ ...
l. ''\ [... ...
POEMS IMAGINATION AND FANCY. ll.tmnra of tbe ~maginaHO'If. 0 BLI'.BT of heaven l whom not the languid aongt Of luxury, the siren ...
90 POEKS 01' UU.GlNATlON AND FANCY, And still new beauties meet his lonely walk, And loves unfelt attract him. Not a brt:eze Fli ...
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