Seven naslovi
Consider them starting-off points for many future discussions and fireside chats. To make the best use of these questions, focus ...
and children, would gather together, the bride and groom seated in the middle. As a youngster, Jesse would roll his eyes and thi ...
you will know who is expected to do what, and when. Make these rituals something you do regularly and can look forward to. How ...
Community rituals for entertaining friends, caring for other people in your community, or opening your home to others you care ...
nurturer. Chloe and Evan believed in an egalitarian marriage in which the spouses supported each other emotionally and financial ...
consensus that makes sense and comes naturally to your family. Musing over these questions separately and then together can help ...
childhood. For another it may be to raise children who are good- hearted and generous. Many times we don't talk about our deepes ...
What is the role of spirituality in your lives? What was this role in your families growing up? How should this be in your fami ...
lives together--the place where they consummate their love, where their children were conceived and grew, and so on. Exercise 4: ...
Afterword:Afterword:Afterword:Afterword: What Now?What Now?What Now?What Now? No book (or therapist can solve all of your marita ...
the magic five hours When we followed up on couples who attended our Seattle workshops, we wondered what would distinguish those ...
built up over the day In other words, lace your kiss with forgiveness and tenderness for your partner. Time: 5 minutes a day x 7 ...
North Carolina has debunked this idea thoroughly by studying couples' standards and expectations of each other. He has found tha ...
Instructions: Use this questionnaire to assess how things went in your marriage today (or lately), and whether you want to bring ...
Forgive yourself After working through the Seven Principles, it is probably very clear to you that there is no such thing as con ...
her flaws--that she is highly emotional, somewhat awkward socially, and not as meticulously clean around the house as he'd like. ...
things. Praise the world. Appreciate your own breathing, the sunrise, the beauty of a work rainstorm, the wonder in your child's ...
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