Seven naslovi
anyone else there, had eyes only for me, and was totally satisfied spending hours in rapt conversation and dancing with just me. ...
the blessings in life, and there are so many. So I believe in saving and spending very little. To me that's how one should lead ...
as your guide--notice that they don't bad-mouth each other.Instead, they focus on what each partner needs, wants, and is feeling ...
"Tell me the story of that. I'd like to understand what it means to you." "What do you believe about this issue?" "What do you ...
Nathan could support Georgia's decision to take a course in mountain climbing and listen with enthusiasm when she talks about it ...
instead, the goal is to "declaw" the issue, to try to remove the hurt so the problem stops being a source of great pain. The way ...
When it's Gus's turn to talk, he tells her that saving money has a lot of symbolic meaning for him. He longs to feel financially ...
Sally and Gus realize that their underlying perpetual problem will never go away. Sally is always going to be the visionary, hav ...
clutter more than once a week. But if he doesn't deal with it by then, she will pile it up and put it all on the floor of his ho ...
The dreams within the conflict: His: To feel free and be able to explore by meeting new people at social events Hers: To be the ...
Step 5: say thank you It may take more than one session to overcome gridlock on issues that have been deeply troubling to your m ...
Your tenderness Your imagination Your eyes The way I trust you Your passion How well you know me Your gracefulness The way you m ...
11111111 Principle 7:Principle 7:Principle 7: Principle 7: Create Shared MeaningCreate Shared MeaningCreate Shared MeaningCreate ...
symbols and rituals, and an appreciation for your roles and goals that link you, that lead you to understand what it means to be ...
for example, adhere to different religions but have enough respect for each other's spiritual journey to bridge the differences ...
"But he always said it in a way that let you know he was very proud that we were like that." Kevin told Helen how that perspecti ...
Holiday meals (like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Passover) are very special and happy times for us (or we both hate them). T F End- ...
My partner shares my views on the importance of family and kin (sisters, brothers, moms, dads) in our life together. T F Scori ...
We have similar values about the meaning of family. T F We have similar views about the role of sex in our lives. T F We have s ...
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