Attraction Isn't A Choice
We look to see who shakes hands harder, who holds eye contact longer, who accepts what the other person is saying quicker, or wh ...
I don't let women use their looks or sexual power to take advantage. I give them no special privileges. I'm not self-conscio ...
Chapter 5: Building Attraction The ―alpha-male‖ is the kind of man women are instinctively attracted to because he embodies the ...
The average person has a lot of self-doubt. Because they‘re not confident of themselves, they want a lot of approval from other ...
Since she values other people‘s opinions, if other people value you highly, she will too. Put simply, a woman will want you more ...
past girlfriends were the better you seem, you‘ll be more attractive the more positively you talk about them. Sometimes even tal ...
To keep yourself valued and attractive, keep yourself rare. What‘s most ―precious‖ to us is what we both value and think is rare ...
This makes evolutionary sense because it‘s more important to repeatedly pursue something that‘s not certain to always be there t ...
interesting communication and actions. It‘s the magic spice that makes the whole dish work. But beware the dark side... CONSTANT ...
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back We don‘t realize how much we want the things we have... until we lose them, that is. How about ...
They've just finished eating dinner, and they're talking. She looks at him and says, "This is going to be complicated", implyin ...
Give Her Just a Taste When you give her anything, give her just a taste. A taste is like taking half a step forward and then hal ...
Chapter 6: Attitude and Composure "The past doesn't equal the future." Tony Robbins To start, let me give you a principle to f ...
attract women that are FAR ABOVE your typical ―level‖ with an exceptional personality or attitude. The Attitude Is Behind the Wo ...
James Bond Never Whines REAL MEN don‘t whine about ANYTHING, EVER. They‘re extremely secure. Don‘t say ―I‘m tired‖, ―I don‘t fee ...
Automatically withdrawing from an accidental touch, instead of proving you‘re okay with it by prolonging it for a moment, scream ...
James Bond Doesn‘t Get Upset Total composure brings amazing results. Though ̳women are the emotional ones,‘ most men cannot keep ...
with you and do what you want them to do? Because I'm just not into that much drama in my life...." The idea is to clearly commu ...
Demonstrate complete control over yourself... you can take it or leave it. It‘s easy to use this in situations when nothing coul ...
of situation with which she‘s dealing. It also makes you think along the right lines, which is to be a little bit skeptical and ...
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