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e. Coagulation defect: Use of anticoagulant, liver disease and thrombocytopaenia. f. Renal vascular disease: Renal infarction, r ...
Investigations of a case of hematuria: First exclude haemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria since both of them can also cause positi ...
VALUE OF URINE EXAMINATION IN MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Normal Urine Characters: Volume is 600-2500 ml/24 h (average is 1200 ml/24 h). ...
Colour of urine Dip stick examination of urine Microscopic examination. Volume of urine: Changes in urine volume may be oliguri ...
Bilateral ureteric obstruction (or unilateral ureteric obstruction of a solitary functioning kidney). Retro-peritoneal fibrosis ...
Colour: Normal: umber yellow Examples of colour changes of urine: Red urine: with hematuria, myoglobinuria and haemoglobulinuri ...
ii. pH: Normal urine is acidic, average 6. Highly acidic in uric acid stones. Alkaline in stones caused by infection and in ren ...
Causes of Haemoglobinuria: Intravascular haemolysis e.g. in severe exercises or severe burns. Chemicals e.g. naphthalene and hy ...
Direct microscopic examination of urine (stained or unstained) has the reliability of about 85-90% of colony count. Microscopic ...
Microscopic examination of urine: For cells (type and count). For casts (type and count). Casts may be: Fine granular casts (in ...
ENVIRONMENTALLY-INDUCED KIDNEY DISEASES The extent of the contribution of environment in causing renal disease is unknown. This ...
the mesangium) or immunologically-induced (for example immune complex disease in chronic exposure to hydrocarbons). Environmenta ...
Clinically, renal lesions may present as acute renal failure, chronic renal failure or nephrotic syndrome; and neoplasia especi ...
Acute lead nephropathy: This may manifest as acute renal failure with Fanconi syndrome and systemic disease including abdominal ...
Cadmium nephropathy: Source of exposure: Cadmium is a component of metal alloys, in the manufacture of electrical conductors, el ...
Acute mercury nephrotoxicity will manifest as acute renal failure due to acute tubular necrosis associated with erosive gastriti ...
b) Chronic exposure: slowly progressive renal failure, encephalopathy, polyneuropathy, cardiomyopathy, anemia, liver cirrhosis, ...
Radiation Nephrotoxicity: a) Immediate: decreased renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. b) Early: acute nephritis c) ...
Recently it has been reported to be responsible for nephropathy in Tunisia and possibly in Egypt. ...
(Fig.11.1) Normal and fungus- invaded Kernels of maize. The later, as other fungus- contaminated grains, could produce nephropat ...
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