Gout Book.docx
times as much water for the kidneys to detoxify fats and proteins as it does for carbohydrates. What are carbohydrates after all ...
more easily. Some strains of influenza are endemic in pigs (see swine influenza), and pigs also can acquire human influenza.” Do ...
it’s bad for you in spite of what the American Heart Association tells you, stating that 30% of calories coming from fat is fine ...
can also add sliced bananas, raisins and pitted prunes, even a couple of teaspoons of concentrated apple juice to sweeten it. Al ...
which your meat is cooked also counts in the cholesterol department. Frying your meat is probably the worst way to prepare meat ...
Compute the number of calories that come from carbohydrates. Each gram of carbohydrates provides about 4 calories, so the number ...
CChhaapptteerr 22 :: (^) CCOORROONNAARRYY HHEEAARRTT DDIISSEEAASSEE—— TThhee NNuummbbeerr OOnnee HHuummaann KKiilllleerr &&a ...
Google the keywords “polyunsaturated fat and cancer” to see the many studies that consistently show a link between polyunsaturat ...
Now the North American diet is about status; eating big burgers, big steaks and hot dog contests wherein a person can eat as man ...
cholesterol and allow you to absorb less of it as you eat more and more soluble fiber. Magnesium does the same; it occurs in har ...
health and in the treatment of heart disease. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are all effective in lowering blood pressure. Ma ...
for many enzyme systems, and clearly magnesium deficiency is a major risk factor for survival of CHF patients. In animal experim ...
2% milk only has 30% of its calories as fat, skim milk only 2%, ice cream usually around 85%. Don’t believe the frozen yogurt de ...
CChhaapptteerr 33 :: (^) PPrreevveennttiinngg CCaanncceerr - - WWhhaatt YYoouu SShhoouulldd KKnnooww AAss (^) aa GGoouutt SSuuff ...
On the other hand, when you eat carbohydrates, your body metabolizes 20% of it as energy and stores the rest as fat. Even if you ...
separate from the milk or cream which solidifies into butter. The liquid that remained is called buttermilk. So butter is ok for ...
Breast cancer is caused by dietary fat; Dutch women suffer more cases than any in the world due to the fact that they eat lots o ...
2,000 others. This is all preventable by you, go on the nicotine patch, and ask your doctor what other options are available to ...
There was a study done years ago about the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico who for 2000 years had the same meatless diet, eating pr ...
CChhaapptteerr 44 :: (^) PPrreevveennttiinngg HHiigghh BBlloooodd PPrreessssuurree && DDiiaabbeetteess WWhhiillee SSuuff ...
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