discuss feelings or problems. Some meetings are speaker meetings, where one person gets up in front of everyone and talks about ...
we've got to find a way to get across the waterthat huge void that stands between us and where we want to be. We have two choice ...
Others of us may want to go only to help the other people, and may feel disappointed that the meetings expect us to work on ours ...
loved one than you are? Do you think that the drinker's behavior is caused Yes No by his or her companions? Are mealtimes fre ...
angry at someone else for drinking too much? Do you feel there is no one who understands your Yes No problems? If you answered ...
Are you drinking heavily or using sleeping pills or tranquilizers? Do you bribe with food? Do you talk about the eater's body to ...
_____Takes over responsibilities of the over/undereater. _____Takes pivotal role in communications, excluding contact between th ...
page_204 Page 205 The Twelve Steps of A.A.* We admitted we were powerless over alcoholthat our lives had become unmanageable. C ...
troubles or making troubles greater than they are to create stimulation for ourselves. This is especially true if we have greatl ...
pain of loving, and for many of us love has caused a great deal of pain. We don't risk being trapped by ourselves in relationshi ...
and wanting more intimacy in our relationships but settling for less? Why? Financial Responsibility Some codependents become fin ...
Some of us can't keep up with the things we need to forgive; the problems are happening so fast we barely know what's going on. ...
Fun does not go hand in hand with codependency. It is difficult to have fun when we hate ourselves. It is difficult to enjoy lif ...
common to codependents who are recovering: · my life. I will not allow anyone to physically or verbally abuse me. · I will not k ...
page_218 Page 219 they need. Taking care of ourselves means taking care of our bodies and grooming. Make both a daily practice. ...
generate warm, loving feelings; no feeling; or cold, hostile feelings. We can say honest, tender, appreciative things, and they ...
Codependents frequently aren't certain whom or when to trust. "Harvey's been in treatment for alcoholism two weeks. He's lied to ...
we try to lie to ourselves about. We have one more area in our lives that causes us to wonder, "What's wrong with me?" I am not ...
According to Earnie Larsen and others, the two deepest desires most people have are: to love and be loved, and to believe they a ...
dividing line between letting go and doing our part. We need to find a balance between solving problems and learning to live wit ...
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